Added in API level 1


public class PKCS8EncodedKeySpec
extends EncodedKeySpec


This class represents the ASN.1 encoding of a private key, encoded according to the ASN.1 type PrivateKeyInfo. The PrivateKeyInfo syntax is defined in the PKCS#8 standard as follows:

 PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
   version Version,
   privateKeyAlgorithm PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier,
   privateKey PrivateKey,
   attributes [0] IMPLICIT Attributes OPTIONAL }

 Version ::= INTEGER

 PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier ::= AlgorithmIdentifier

 PrivateKey ::= OCTET STRING

 Attributes ::= SET OF Attribute


Public constructors

PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(byte[] encodedKey)

Creates a new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec with the given encoded key.

PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(byte[] encodedKey, String algorithm)

Creates a new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec with the given encoded key and algorithm.

Public methods

byte[] getEncoded()

Returns the key bytes, encoded according to the PKCS #8 standard.

final String getFormat()

Returns the name of the encoding format associated with this key specification.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 1
public PKCS8EncodedKeySpec (byte[] encodedKey)

Creates a new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec with the given encoded key.

encodedKey byte: the key, which is assumed to be encoded according to the PKCS #8 standard. The contents of the array are copied to protect against subsequent modification.

NullPointerException if encodedKey is null.


Added in API level 35
public PKCS8EncodedKeySpec (byte[] encodedKey, 
                String algorithm)

Creates a new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec with the given encoded key and algorithm. This constructor is useful when subsequent callers of the PKCS8EncodedKeySpec object might not know the algorithm of the private key.

encodedKey byte: the key, which is assumed to be encoded according to the PKCS #8 standard. The contents of the array are copied to protect against subsequent modification.

algorithm String: the algorithm name of the encoded private key See the KeyFactory section in the Java Security Standard Algorithm Names Specification for information about standard algorithm names.

NullPointerException if encodedKey or algorithm is null.
IllegalArgumentException if algorithm is the empty string ""

Public methods


Added in API level 1
public byte[] getEncoded ()

Returns the key bytes, encoded according to the PKCS #8 standard.

byte[] the PKCS #8 encoding of the key. Returns a new array each time this method is called.


Added in API level 1
public final String getFormat ()

Returns the name of the encoding format associated with this key specification.

String the string "PKCS#8".