Added in API level 36


public final class MatchException
extends RuntimeException

   ↳ java.lang.Throwable
     ↳ java.lang.Exception
       ↳ java.lang.RuntimeException
         ↳ java.lang.MatchException

Thrown to indicate an unexpected failure in pattern matching.

MatchException may be thrown when an exhaustive pattern matching language construct (such as a switch expression) encounters a value that does not match any of the specified patterns at run time, even though the construct has been deemed exhaustive. This is intentional and can arise from a number of cases:

  • Separate compilation anomalies, where parts of the type hierarchy that the patterns reference have been changed, but the pattern matching construct has not been recompiled. For example, if a sealed interface has a different set of permitted subtypes at run time than it had at compile time, or if an enum class has a different set of enum constants at runtime than it had at compile time, or if the type hierarchy has been changed in some incompatible way between compile time and run time.
  • null values and nested patterns involving sealed classes. If, for example, an interface I is sealed with two permitted subclasses A and B, and a record class R has a single component of type I, then the two record patterns R(A a) and R(B b) together are considered to be exhaustive for the type R, but neither of these patterns will match against the result of new R(null).
  • null values and nested record patterns. Given a record class S with a single component of type T, where T is another record class with a single component of type String, then the nested record pattern R(S(var s)) is considered exhaustive for the type R but it does not match against the result of new R(null) (whereas it does match against the result of new R(new S(null)) does).

MatchException may also be thrown by the process of pattern matching a value against a pattern. For example, pattern matching involving a record pattern may require accessor methods to be implicitly invoked in order to extract the component values. If any of these accessor methods throws an exception, pattern matching completes abruptly and throws MatchException. The original exception will be set as a cause of the MatchException. No suppressed exceptions will be recorded.


Public constructors

MatchException(String message, Throwable cause)

Constructs an MatchException with the specified detail message and cause.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 36
public MatchException (String message, 
                Throwable cause)

Constructs an MatchException with the specified detail message and cause.

message String: the detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the Throwable.getMessage() method).

cause Throwable: the cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the Throwable.getCause() method). (A null value is permitted, and indicates that the cause is nonexistent or unknown.)