Added in API level 11
Deprecated in API level 30


public class DrmStore
extends Object

   ↳ android.drm.DrmStore

This class was deprecated in API level 30.
Please use MediaDrm

Defines constants that are used by the DRM framework.


Nested classes

class DrmStore.Action

Defines actions that can be performed on rights-protected content. 

interface DrmStore.ConstraintsColumns

Interface definition for the columns that represent DRM constraints. 

class DrmStore.DrmObjectType

Defines DRM object types. 

class DrmStore.Playback

Defines playback states for content. 

class DrmStore.RightsStatus

Defines status notifications for digital rights. 

Public constructors


This constructor is deprecated. This class should have been an interface instead. The default constuctor should have not been exposed.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 11
public DrmStore ()

This constructor is deprecated.
This class should have been an interface instead. The default constuctor should have not been exposed.