Added in API level 34



AddAdSelectionFromOutcomesOverrideRequest This POJO represents the TestAdSelectionManager.overrideAdSelectionFromOutcomesConfigRemoteInfo(AddAdSelectionFromOutcomesOverrideRequest, Executor, OutcomeReceiver) ( AddAdSelectionOverrideRequest, Executor, OutcomeReceiver)} request

It contains, a AdSelectionFromOutcomesConfig which will serve as the identifier for the specific override, a String selectionLogicJs and String selectionSignals field representing the override value 

AddAdSelectionOverrideRequest This POJO represents the TestAdSelectionManager.overrideAdSelectionConfigRemoteInfo(android.adservices.adselection.AddAdSelectionOverrideRequest, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.os.OutcomeReceiver) request

It contains, a AdSelectionConfig which will serve as the identifier for the specific override, a String decisionLogicJs and String trustedScoringSignals field representing the override value 

AdSelectionConfig Contains the configuration of the ad selection process. 
AdSelectionConfig.Builder Builder for AdSelectionConfig object. 
AdSelectionFromOutcomesConfig Contains the configuration of the ad selection process that select a winner from a given list of ad selection ids. 
AdSelectionFromOutcomesConfig.Builder Builder for AdSelectionFromOutcomesConfig objects. 
AdSelectionManager AdSelection Manager provides APIs for app and ad-SDKs to run ad selection processes as well as report impressions. 
AdSelectionOutcome This class represents a field in the OutcomeReceiver, which is an input to the AdSelectionManager.selectAds(AdSelectionConfig, Executor, OutcomeReceiver) in the AdSelectionManager
AdSelectionOutcome.Builder Builder for AdSelectionOutcome objects. 
AdWithBid Represents an ad and its corresponding bid value after the bid generation step in the ad selection process. 
DecisionLogic Generic Decision logic that could be provided by the buyer or seller. 
GetAdSelectionDataOutcome Represents ad selection data collected from device for ad selection. 
GetAdSelectionDataRequest Represents a request containing the information to get ad selection data. 
GetAdSelectionDataRequest.Builder Builder for GetAdSelectionDataRequest objects. 
PerBuyerDecisionLogic The override object for decision logic JS per buyer for SignedContextualAds
PersistAdSelectionResultRequest Represents a request containing the seller, the ad selection data id and data. 
PersistAdSelectionResultRequest.Builder Builder for PersistAdSelectionResultRequest objects. 
RemoveAdSelectionFromOutcomesOverrideRequest This POJO represents the RemoveAdSelectionFromOutcomesOverrideRequest, Executor, OutcomeReceiver) request

It contains one field, a AdSelectionFromOutcomesConfig which serves as the identifier of the override to be removed 

RemoveAdSelectionOverrideRequest This POJO represents the TestAdSelectionManager#removeAdSelectionConfigRemoteInfoOverride( RemoveAdSelectionOverrideRequest, Executor, OutcomeReceiver) request

It contains one field, a AdSelectionConfig which serves as the identifier of the override to be removed 

ReportEventRequest Request object wrapping the required arguments needed to report an ad event. 
ReportEventRequest.Builder Builder for ReportEventRequest objects. 
ReportImpressionRequest Represent input parameters to the reportImpression API. 
SetAppInstallAdvertisersRequest Represents input parameters to the setAppInstallAdvertiser API. 
SignedContextualAds Contains a list of buyer supplied AdWithBid bundle and its signature. 
SignedContextualAds.Builder Builder for SignedContextualAds object 
TestAdSelectionManager TestAdSelectionManager provides APIs for apps and ad SDKs to test ad selection processes. 
UpdateAdCounterHistogramRequest Request object wrapping the required arguments needed to update an ad counter histogram. 
UpdateAdCounterHistogramRequest.Builder Builder for UpdateAdCounterHistogramRequest objects.