
public static final class InferenceInput.Builder
extends Object

   ↳ android.adservices.ondevicepersonalization.InferenceInput.Builder

A builder for InferenceInput


Public constructors

Builder(InferenceInput.Params params, Object[] inputData, InferenceOutput expectedOutputStructure)

Creates a new Builder.

Public methods

InferenceInput build()

Builds the instance.

InferenceInput.Builder setBatchSize(int value)

The number of input examples.

InferenceInput.Builder setExpectedOutputStructure(InferenceOutput value)

The empty InferenceOutput representing the expected output structure.

InferenceInput.Builder setInputData(Object... value)

An array of input data.

InferenceInput.Builder setParams(InferenceInput.Params value)

The configuration that controls runtime interpreter behavior.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 35
public Builder (InferenceInput.Params params, 
                Object[] inputData, 
                InferenceOutput expectedOutputStructure)

Creates a new Builder.

params InferenceInput.Params: The configuration that controls runtime interpreter behavior. This value cannot be null.

inputData Object: An array of input data. The inputs should be in the same order as inputs of the model.

For example, if a model takes multiple inputs:

String[] input0 = {"foo", "bar"}; // string tensor shape is [2].
 int[] input1 = new int[]{3, 2, 1}; // int tensor shape is [3].
 Object[] inputData = {input0, input1, ...};

For TFLite, this field is mapped to inputs of runForMultipleInputsOutputs: This value cannot be null.

expectedOutputStructure InferenceOutput: The empty InferenceOutput representing the expected output structure. For TFLite, the inference code will verify whether this expected output structure matches model output signature.

If a model produce string tensors:

String[] output = new String[3][2];  // Output tensor shape is [3, 2].
 HashMap<Integer, Object> outputs = new HashMap<>();
 outputs.put(0, output);
 expectedOutputStructure = new InferenceOutput.Builder().setDataOutputs(outputs).build();

This value cannot be null.

Public methods


Added in API level 35
public InferenceInput build ()

Builds the instance.

InferenceInput This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 35
public InferenceInput.Builder setBatchSize (int value)

The number of input examples. Adopter can set this field to run batching inference. The batch size is 1 by default. The batch size should match the input data size.

value int

InferenceInput.Builder This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 35
public InferenceInput.Builder setExpectedOutputStructure (InferenceOutput value)

The empty InferenceOutput representing the expected output structure. For TFLite, the inference code will verify whether this expected output structure matches model output signature.

If a model produce string tensors:

String[] output = new String[3][2];  // Output tensor shape is [3, 2].
 HashMap<Integer, Object> outputs = new HashMap<>();
 outputs.put(0, output);
 expectedOutputStructure = new InferenceOutput.Builder().setDataOutputs(outputs).build();

value InferenceOutput: This value cannot be null.

InferenceInput.Builder This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 35
public InferenceInput.Builder setInputData (Object... value)

An array of input data. The inputs should be in the same order as inputs of the model.

For example, if a model takes multiple inputs:

String[] input0 = {"foo", "bar"}; // string tensor shape is [2].
 int[] input1 = new int[]{3, 2, 1}; // int tensor shape is [3].
 Object[] inputData = {input0, input1, ...};
For TFLite, this field is mapped to inputs of runForMultipleInputsOutputs:

value Object: This value cannot be null.

InferenceInput.Builder This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 35
public InferenceInput.Builder setParams (InferenceInput.Params value)

The configuration that controls runtime interpreter behavior.

value InferenceInput.Params: This value cannot be null.

InferenceInput.Builder This value cannot be null.