Added in API level 1
AttributeSet | A collection of attributes, as found associated with a tag in an XML document. |
Dumpable |
Represents an object whose state can be dumped into a PrintWriter .
DumpableContainer |
Represents a container that manages dumpables .
Printer | Simple interface for printing text, allowing redirection to various targets. |
ArrayMap<K, V> |
ArrayMap is a generic key->value mapping data structure that is
designed to be more memory efficient than a traditional HashMap .
ArraySet<E> |
ArraySet is a generic set data structure that is designed to be more memory efficient than a
traditional HashSet .
AtomicFile | Helper class for performing atomic operations on a file by writing to a new file and renaming it into the place of the original file after the write has successfully completed. |
Base64 | Utilities for encoding and decoding the Base64 representation of binary data. |
Base64InputStream | An InputStream that does Base64 decoding on the data read through it. |
Base64OutputStream | An OutputStream that does Base64 encoding on the data written to it, writing the resulting data to another OutputStream. |
CloseGuard | CloseGuard is a mechanism for flagging implicit finalizer cleanup of resources that should have been cleaned up by explicit close methods (aka "explicit termination methods" in Effective Java). |
Config | This class was deprecated in API level 14. This class is not useful, it just returns the same value for all constants, and has always done this. Do not use it. |
DebugUtils |
Various utilities for debugging and logging. |
DisplayMetrics | A structure describing general information about a display, such as its size, density, and font scaling. |
EventLog | Access to the system diagnostic event record. |
EventLog.Event | A previously logged event read from the logs. |
EventLogTags |
This class was deprecated
in API level 9.
This class is no longer functional.
Use EventLog instead.
EventLogTags.Description | |
FloatMath |
This class was deprecated
in API level 22.
Use Math instead.
FloatProperty<T> |
An implementation of Property to be used specifically with fields of type
float .
Half |
The |
IntProperty<T> |
An implementation of Property to be used specifically with fields of type
int .
JsonReader | Reads a JSON (RFC 4627) encoded value as a stream of tokens. |
JsonWriter | Writes a JSON (RFC 4627) encoded value to a stream, one token at a time. |
LayoutDirection | A class for defining layout directions. |
Log | API for sending log output. |
LogPrinter |
Implementation of a Printer that sends its output
to the system log.
LongSparseArray<E> | SparseArray mapping longs to Objects. |
LruCache<K, V> | A cache that holds strong references to a limited number of values. |
MonthDisplayHelper | Helps answer common questions that come up when displaying a month in a 6 row calendar grid format. |
MutableBoolean | This class was deprecated in API level 28. This class will be removed from a future version of the Android API. |
MutableByte | This class was deprecated in API level 28. This class will be removed from a future version of the Android API. |
MutableChar | This class was deprecated in API level 28. This class will be removed from a future version of the Android API. |
MutableDouble | This class was deprecated in API level 28. This class will be removed from a future version of the Android API. |
MutableFloat | This class was deprecated in API level 28. This class will be removed from a future version of the Android API. |
MutableInt | This class was deprecated in API level 28. This class will be removed from a future version of the Android API. |
MutableLong | This class was deprecated in API level 28. This class will be removed from a future version of the Android API. |
MutableShort | This class was deprecated in API level 28. This class will be removed from a future version of the Android API. |
Pair<F, S> | Container to ease passing around a tuple of two objects. |
Patterns | Commonly used regular expression patterns. |
PrintStreamPrinter |
Implementation of a Printer that sends its output
to a PrintStream .
PrintWriterPrinter |
Implementation of a Printer that sends its output
to a PrintWriter .
Property<T, V> |
A property is an abstraction that can be used to represent a |
Range<T extends Comparable<? super T>> | Immutable class for describing the range of two numeric values. |
Rational |
An immutable data type representation a rational number. |
Size | Immutable class for describing width and height dimensions in pixels. |
SizeF | Immutable class for describing width and height dimensions in some arbitrary unit. |
SparseArray<E> |
SparseArray maps integers to Objects and, unlike a normal array of Objects,
its indices can contain gaps.
SparseBooleanArray | SparseBooleanArrays map integers to booleans. |
SparseIntArray | SparseIntArrays map integers to integers. |
SparseLongArray | SparseLongArrays map integers to longs. |
StateSet |
State sets are arrays of positive ints where each element
represents the state of a View (e.g.
StatsLog | StatsLog provides an API for developers to send events to statsd. |
StringBuilderPrinter |
Implementation of a Printer that sends its output
to a StringBuilder .
TimeUtils | A class containing utility methods related to time zones. |
TimingLogger |
This class was deprecated
in API level 30.
Use Trace , or
Android Studio. In
general, milliseconds is the wrong granularity for method-level tracing. Rounding errors
can overemphasize cheap operations, or underemphasize repeated operations. This timing
system also does not take CPU scheduling or frequency into account.
TypedValue | Container for a dynamically typed data value. |
Xml | XML utility methods. |
JsonToken | A structure, name or value type in a JSON-encoded string. |
Xml.Encoding | Supported character encodings. |
AndroidException | Base class for all checked exceptions thrown by the Android frameworks. |
AndroidRuntimeException | Base class for all unchecked exceptions thrown by the Android frameworks. |
Base64DataException |
This exception is thrown by Base64InputStream or Base64OutputStream
when an error is detected in the data being decoded.
MalformedJsonException | Thrown when a reader encounters malformed JSON. |
NoSuchPropertyException |
Thrown when code requests a Property on a class that does
not expose the appropriate method or field.
TimeFormatException |
- ArrayMap
- ArraySet
- AtomicFile
- Base64
- Base64InputStream
- Base64OutputStream
- CloseGuard
- Config
- DebugUtils
- DisplayMetrics
- EventLog
- EventLog.Event
- EventLogTags
- EventLogTags.Description
- FloatMath
- FloatProperty
- Half
- IntProperty
- JsonReader
- JsonWriter
- LayoutDirection
- Log
- LogPrinter
- LongSparseArray
- LruCache
- MonthDisplayHelper
- MutableBoolean
- MutableByte
- MutableChar
- MutableDouble
- MutableFloat
- MutableInt
- MutableLong
- MutableShort
- Pair
- Patterns
- PrintStreamPrinter
- PrintWriterPrinter
- Property
- Range
- Rational
- Size
- SizeF
- SparseArray
- SparseBooleanArray
- SparseIntArray
- SparseLongArray
- StateSet
- StatsLog
- StringBuilderPrinter
- TimeUtils
- TimingLogger
- TypedValue
- Xml