
public class EdDSAParameterSpec
extends Object implements AlgorithmParameterSpec

   ↳ java.security.spec.EdDSAParameterSpec

A class used to specify EdDSA signature and verification parameters. All algorithm modes in RFC 8032: Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) can be specified using combinations of the settings in this class.

  • If prehash is true, then the mode is Ed25519ph or Ed448ph
  • Otherwise, if a context is present, the mode is Ed25519ctx or Ed448
  • Otherwise, the mode is Ed25519 or Ed448


Public constructors

EdDSAParameterSpec(boolean prehash)

Construct an EdDSAParameterSpec by specifying whether the prehash mode is used.

EdDSAParameterSpec(boolean prehash, byte[] context)

Construct an EdDSAParameterSpec by specifying a context and whether the prehash mode is used.

Public methods

Optional<byte[]> getContext()

Get the context that the signature will use.

boolean isPrehash()

Get whether the prehash mode is specified.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 35
public EdDSAParameterSpec (boolean prehash)

Construct an EdDSAParameterSpec by specifying whether the prehash mode is used. No context is provided so this constructor specifies a mode in which the context is null. Note that this mode may be different than the mode in which an empty array is used as the context.

prehash boolean: whether the prehash mode is specified.


Added in API level 35
public EdDSAParameterSpec (boolean prehash, 
                byte[] context)

Construct an EdDSAParameterSpec by specifying a context and whether the prehash mode is used. The context may not be null, but it may be an empty array. The mode used when the context is an empty array may not be the same as the mode used when the context is absent.

prehash boolean: whether the prehash mode is specified.

context byte: the context is copied and bound to the signature.

NullPointerException if context is null.
InvalidParameterException if context length is greater than 255.

Public methods


Added in API level 35
public Optional<byte[]> getContext ()

Get the context that the signature will use.

Optional<byte[]> Optional contains a copy of the context or empty if context is null.


Added in API level 35
public boolean isPrehash ()

Get whether the prehash mode is specified.

boolean whether the prehash mode is specified.