Added in API level 23


public static interface MediaCodec.OnFrameRenderedListener

Listener to be called when an output frame has rendered on the output surface


Public methods

abstract void onFrameRendered(MediaCodec codec, long presentationTimeUs, long nanoTime)

Called when an output frame has rendered on the output surface.

Public methods


Added in API level 23
public abstract void onFrameRendered (MediaCodec codec, 
                long presentationTimeUs, 
                long nanoTime)

Called when an output frame has rendered on the output surface.

Note: This callback is for informational purposes only: to get precise render timing samples, and can be significantly delayed and batched. Starting with Android Build.VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE, a callback will always be received for each rendered frame providing the MediaCodec is still in the executing state when the callback is dispatched. Prior to Android Build.VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE, some frames may have been rendered even if there was no callback generated.

codec MediaCodec: the MediaCodec instance This value cannot be null.

presentationTimeUs long: the presentation time (media time) of the frame rendered. This is usually the same as specified in MediaCodec.queueInputBuffer(int, int, int, long, int); however, some codecs may alter the media time by applying some time-based transformation, such as frame rate conversion. In that case, presentation time corresponds to the actual output frame rendered.

nanoTime long: The system time when the frame was rendered.

See also: