Added in API level 21



BlackLevelPattern Immutable class to store a 4-element vector of integers corresponding to a 2x2 pattern of color channel offsets used for the black level offsets of each color channel. 
Capability Immutable class to store the camera capability, its corresponding maximum streaming dimension and zoom range. 
ColorSpaceProfiles Immutable class with information about supported color space profiles. 
ColorSpaceTransform Immutable class for describing a 3x3 matrix of Rational values in row-major order. 
DeviceStateSensorOrientationMap Immutable class that maps the device fold state to sensor orientation. 
DeviceStateSensorOrientationMap.Builder Builds a DeviceStateSensorOrientationMap object. 
DynamicRangeProfiles Immutable class with information about supported 10-bit dynamic range profiles. 
ExtensionSessionConfiguration A class that aggregates all supported arguments for CameraExtensionSession initialization. 
Face Describes a face detected in an image. 
Face.Builder Builds a Face object. 
InputConfiguration Immutable class to store an input configuration that is used to create a reprocessable capture session. 
LensIntrinsicsSample Immutable class to store an lens intrinsics intra-frame sample
LensShadingMap Immutable class for describing a 4 x N x M lens shading map of floats. 
MandatoryStreamCombination Immutable class to store the available mandatory stream combination. 
MandatoryStreamCombination.MandatoryStreamInformation Immutable class to store available mandatory stream information. 
MeteringRectangle An immutable class to represent a rectangle (x, y, width, height) with an additional weight component. 
MultiResolutionStreamConfigurationMap Immutable class to store the information of the multi-resolution streams supported by the camera device. 
MultiResolutionStreamInfo A utility class describing the properties of one stream of fixed-size image buffers backing a multi-resolution image stream. 
OisSample Immutable class to store an optical image stabilization sample
OutputConfiguration A class for describing camera output, which contains a Surface and its specific configuration for creating capture session. 
RecommendedStreamConfigurationMap Immutable class to store the recommended stream configurations to set up Surfaces for creating a capture session with CameraDevice.createCaptureSession(SessionConfiguration)
RggbChannelVector Immutable class to store a 4-element vector of floats indexable by a bayer RAW 2x2 pixel block. 
SessionConfiguration A helper class that aggregates all supported arguments for capture session initialization. 
StreamConfigurationMap Immutable class to store the available stream configurations to set up Surfaces for creating a capture session with CameraDevice.createCaptureSession(SessionConfiguration)
TonemapCurve Immutable class for describing a 2 x M x 3 tonemap curve of floats.