Added in API level 35


public final class IsolatedServiceException
extends Exception

   ↳ java.lang.Throwable
     ↳ java.lang.Exception
       ↳ android.adservices.ondevicepersonalization.IsolatedServiceException

A class that an IsolatedService can use to signal a failure in handling a request and return an error to be logged and aggregated. The error is not reported to the app that invoked the IsolatedService in order to prevent data leakage from the IsolatedService to an app. The platform does not interpret the error code, it only logs and aggregates it.


Public constructors

IsolatedServiceException(int errorCode)

Creates an IsolatedServiceException with an error code to be logged.

Inherited methods

Public constructors


Added in API level 35
public IsolatedServiceException (int errorCode)

Creates an IsolatedServiceException with an error code to be logged. The meaning of the error code is defined by the IsolatedService. The platform does not interpret the error code.

errorCode int: An error code defined by the IsolatedService. Value is between 1 and 127 inclusive