
class CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Builder class for CircularProgressIndicator


Public constructors

Creates a builder for the CircularProgressIndicator.

Public functions


Constructs and returns CircularProgressIndicator with the provided field and look.

    circularProgressIndicatorColors: ProgressIndicatorColors

Sets the colors for the CircularProgressIndicator.

setContentDescription(contentDescription: CharSequence)

Sets the static content description of the CircularProgressIndicator to be used for accessibility support.


Sets the content description of the CircularProgressIndicator to be used for accessibility support.

setEndAngle(endAngle: Float)

Sets the end angle of the CircularProgressIndicator's background arc, where angle 0 is 12 o'clock.


Sets whether this CircularProgressIndicator should have outer margin or not.

setProgress(progressRatio: @FloatRange(from = 0, to = 1) Float)

Sets the progress of the CircularProgressIndicator.


Sets the progress of the CircularProgressIndicator.

setStartAngle(startAngle: Float)

Sets the start angle of the CircularProgressIndicator's background arc, where angle 0 is 12 o'clock.


Sets the stroke width of the CircularProgressIndicator.

setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth: @Dimension(unit = 0) Float)

Sets the stroke width of the CircularProgressIndicator.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0

Creates a builder for the CircularProgressIndicator.

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun build(): CircularProgressIndicator

Constructs and returns CircularProgressIndicator with the provided field and look.


Added in 1.0.0
fun setCircularProgressIndicatorColors(
    circularProgressIndicatorColors: ProgressIndicatorColors
): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets the colors for the CircularProgressIndicator. If set, getIndicatorColor will be used for a progress that has been made, while getTrackColor will be used for a background full size arc. If not set, DEFAULT_COLORS will be used.


Added in 1.0.0
fun setContentDescription(contentDescription: CharSequence): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets the static content description of the CircularProgressIndicator to be used for accessibility support.


Added in 1.0.0
fun setContentDescription(contentDescription: TypeBuilders.StringProp): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets the content description of the CircularProgressIndicator to be used for accessibility support.

While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).


Added in 1.0.0
fun setEndAngle(endAngle: Float): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets the end angle of the CircularProgressIndicator's background arc, where angle 0 is 12 o'clock. End angle doesn't need to be within 0-360 range, but it must be larger than start angle. If not set 360 will be used and the indicator will have full length.


Added in 1.2.0
fun setOuterMarginApplied(isApplied: Boolean): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets whether this CircularProgressIndicator should have outer margin or not.

If this indicator is used as a smaller element, use this method to remove an additional margin around it by setting it to false.

Otherwise, if this indicator is used as a full screen one or in , it's strongly recommended to set this to true.

If not set, defaults to true.


Added in 1.0.0
fun setProgress(progressRatio: @FloatRange(from = 0, to = 1) Float): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets the progress of the CircularProgressIndicator. Progress ratio should be a value between 0 and 1. If not set, 0 will be used. Progress will be colored in getIndicatorColor.


Added in 1.0.0
fun setProgress(progressRatio: TypeBuilders.FloatProp): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets the progress of the CircularProgressIndicator. If not set, static value provided using setProgress will be used, or 0. Progress will be colored in getIndicatorColor.

While this field is statically accessible from 1.0, it's only bindable since version 1.2 and renderers supporting version 1.2 will use the dynamic value (if set).

progressRatio: TypeBuilders.FloatProp

The progress between 0 and 1. This field supports setting a dynamic value. The static value of progressRatio will be considered as 0 if it's smaller than zero and as 1 if it's larger than one.


Added in 1.0.0
fun setStartAngle(startAngle: Float): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets the start angle of the CircularProgressIndicator's background arc, where angle 0 is 12 o'clock. Start angle doesn't need to be within 0-360 range. I.e. -90 is to start arc from the 9 o'clock. If not set 0 will be used and the indicator will have full length.


Added in 1.0.0
fun setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth: DimensionBuilders.DpProp): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets the stroke width of the CircularProgressIndicator. Strongly recommended value is DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH.


Added in 1.0.0
fun setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth: @Dimension(unit = 0) Float): CircularProgressIndicator.Builder

Sets the stroke width of the CircularProgressIndicator. Strongly recommended value is DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH.