
Added in 1.2.0

class WearableCalendarContract

The contract between the wearable calendar provider and applications. This API provides a subset of the data available through CalendarContract, but is automatically synced to wearable devices.



const Uri

The content:// style URL for the top-level wearable calendar authority.

Public functions

java-static Unit
addCalendarAuthorityUri(uriMatcher: UriMatcher, path: String, code: Int)

Adds uri to match to the given UriMatcher with calendar authority, String path and the integer code to return when this Uri is matched.

java-static Unit
addCalendarDataAuthority(intentFilter: IntentFilter, port: String?)

Adds new android.content.Intent to the given IntentFilter with calendar data authority and String host to match.



Added in 1.2.0
const val CONTENT_URIUri

The content:// style URL for the top-level wearable calendar authority.

Public functions


Added in 1.2.0
java-static fun addCalendarAuthorityUri(uriMatcher: UriMatcher, path: String, code: Int): Unit

Adds uri to match to the given UriMatcher with calendar authority, String path and the integer code to return when this Uri is matched.

uriMatcher: UriMatcher

The UriMatcher holding matches.

path: String

The path to match in calendar authority. * may be used as a wild card for any text, and # may be used as a wild card for numbers.

code: Int

The code that is returned when a Uri is matched against the calendar authority and path. Must be positive.


Added in 1.2.0
java-static fun addCalendarDataAuthority(intentFilter: IntentFilter, port: String?): Unit

Adds new android.content.Intent to the given IntentFilter with calendar data authority and String host to match.

intentFilter: IntentFilter

The IntentFilter holding matches.

port: String?

Optional port part of the authority to match. If null, any port is allowed.