
The list of warnings that are produced by Room.

You can use these values inside a SuppressWarnings annotation to disable the warnings.



const String

Reported when there is an ambiguous column on the result of a multimap query.

const String

Reported when Room cannot verify database queries during compilation.

const String

This property is deprecated. Replaced by QUERY_MISMATCH.

const String

Reported when a POJO has multiple constructors, one of which is a no-arg constructor.

const String

The warning dispatched by Room when the object in the provided method's multimap return type does not implement equals() and hashCode().

const String

Reported when an Entity that has a Embedded field whose type is another Entity and that Entity has some indices defined.

const String

Reported when an Entity field that is annotated with Embedded has a sub field which has a ColumnInfo annotation with index = true.

const String

Reported when an Entity inherits a field from its super class and the field has a ColumnInfo annotation with index = true.

const String

Reported when an Entity's parent declares an Index.

const String

Reported when an @Entity field's type do not exactly match the getter type.

const String

Reported when an @Entity field's type do not exactly match the setter type.

const String

When there is a foreign key from Entity A to Entity B, it is a good idea to index the reference columns in B, otherwise, each modification on Entity A will trigger a full table scan on Entity B.

const String

Reported when a junction entity whose column is used in a @Relation field with a @Junction does not contain an index.

const String

Reported when Room cannot verify database queries during compilation due to lack of tmp dir access in JVM.

const String

Reported when a room.schemaLocation argument is not provided into the annotation processor.

const String

Reported when an Entity field that is annotated with Embedded has a sub field which is annotated with PrimaryKey but the PrimaryKey is dropped while composing it into the parent object.

const String

The warning dispatched by Room when the return value of a Query method does not exactly match the columns in the query result.

const String

Reported when a @Query method returns a POJO that has relations but the method is not annotated with @Transaction.

const String

Reported when a Relation's SQLite column type does not match the type in the parent.

const String

Reported when a nullable Collection, Array or Optional is returned from a DAO method.


Public constructors

This function is deprecated. This type should not be instantiated as it contains only static methods.





Reported when there is an ambiguous column on the result of a multimap query.



Reported when Room cannot verify database queries during compilation. This usually happens when it cannot find the SQLite JDBC driver on the host machine.

Room can function without query verification but its functionality will be limited.


const val CURSOR_MISMATCHString

The warning dispatched by Room when the return value of a Query method does not exactly match the fields in the query result.



Reported when a POJO has multiple constructors, one of which is a no-arg constructor. Room will pick that one by default but will print this warning in case the constructor choice is important. You can always guide Room to use the right constructor using the @Ignore annotation.



The warning dispatched by Room when the object in the provided method's multimap return type does not implement equals() and hashCode().



Reported when an Entity that has a Embedded field whose type is another Entity and that Entity has some indices defined. These indices will NOT be created in the containing Entity. If you want to preserve them, you can re-define them in the containing Entity.



Reported when an Entity field that is annotated with Embedded has a sub field which has a ColumnInfo annotation with index = true.

You can re-define the index in the containing Entity.



Reported when an Entity inherits a field from its super class and the field has a ColumnInfo annotation with index = true.

These indices are dropped for the Entity and you would need to re-declare them if you want to keep them. Alternatively, you can set Entity.inheritSuperIndices to true.



Reported when an Entity's parent declares an Index. Room does not automatically inherit these indices to avoid hidden costs or unexpected constraints.

If you want your child class to have the indices of the parent, you must re-declare them in the child class. Alternatively, you can set Entity.inheritSuperIndices to true.



Reported when an @Entity field's type do not exactly match the getter type. For instance, in the following class:

class Foo {
private val value: Boolean
public fun getValue(): Boolean {
return value == null ? false : value

Trying to insert this entity into database will always set value column to false when Foo.value is null since Room will use the getValue method to read the value. So even thought the database column is nullable, it will never be inserted as null if inserted as a Foo instance.



Reported when an @Entity field's type do not exactly match the setter type. For instance, in the following class:

class Foo {
private val value: Boolean
public fun setValue(value: Boolean) {
this.value = value

If Room reads this entity from the database, it will always set Foo.value to false when the column value is null since Room will use the setValue method to write the value.



When there is a foreign key from Entity A to Entity B, it is a good idea to index the reference columns in B, otherwise, each modification on Entity A will trigger a full table scan on Entity B.

If Room cannot find a proper index in the child entity (Entity B in this case), Room will print this warning.



Reported when a junction entity whose column is used in a @Relation field with a @Junction does not contain an index. If the column is not covered by any index then a full table scan might be performed when resolving the relationship.

It is recommended that columns on entities used as junctions contain indices, otherwise Room will print this warning.


const val MISSING_JAVA_TMP_DIRString

Reported when Room cannot verify database queries during compilation due to lack of tmp dir access in JVM.



Reported when a room.schemaLocation argument is not provided into the annotation processor. You can either set Database.exportSchema to false or provide room.schemaLocation to the annotation processor. You are strongly advised to provide it and also commit them into your version control system.



Reported when an Entity field that is annotated with Embedded has a sub field which is annotated with PrimaryKey but the PrimaryKey is dropped while composing it into the parent object.


const val QUERY_MISMATCHString

The warning dispatched by Room when the return value of a Query method does not exactly match the columns in the query result.



Reported when a @Query method returns a POJO that has relations but the method is not annotated with @Transaction. Relations are run as separate queries and if the query is not run inside a transaction, it might return inconsistent results from the database.



Reported when a Relation's SQLite column type does not match the type in the parent. Room will still do the matching using String representations.



Reported when a nullable Collection, Array or Optional is returned from a DAO method. Room will return an empty Collection, Array or Optional respectively if no results are returned by such a query, hence using a nullable return type is unnecessary in this case.

Public constructors

