
class MemoryLimitExceededException : IsolateTerminatedException

Indicates that a JavaScriptIsolate's evaluation failed due to the isolate exceeding its heap size limit.

This exception may be thrown when exceeding the heap size limit configured for the isolate via IsolateStartupParameters, or the default limit. Beware that it will not be thrown if the Android system as a whole has run out of memory before the JavaScript environment has reached its configured heap limit.

If an evaluation fails with a MemoryLimitExceededException, it does not imply that that particular evaluation was in any way responsible for any excessive memory usage. MemoryLimitExceededException will be raised for all unresolved and future requested evaluations regardless of their culpability.

An isolate may run out of memory outside of an explicit evaluation (such as in a microtask), so you should generally not use this exception to detect out of memory issues - instead, use addOnTerminatedCallback and check for an isolate termination status of STATUS_MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED.


Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0-rc01


Added in 1.0.0-rc01
MemoryLimitExceededException(error: String)