
class AnalyticsListener.EventTime

Time information of an event.


Public constructors

    realtimeMs: Long,
    timeline: Timeline!,
    windowIndex: Int,
    mediaPeriodId: MediaSource.MediaPeriodId?,
    eventPlaybackPositionMs: Long,
    currentTimeline: Timeline!,
    currentWindowIndex: Int,
    currentMediaPeriodId: MediaSource.MediaPeriodId?,
    currentPlaybackPositionMs: Long,
    totalBufferedDurationMs: Long

Public functions

equals(o: Any?)

Public properties


Media period identifier for the currently playing media period at the time of the event, or null if no current media period identifier is available.


Position in the current timeline window or the currently playing ad at the time of the event, in milliseconds.


The current Timeline at the time of the event (equivalent to getCurrentTimeline).


The current window index in currentTimeline at the time of the event, or the prospective window index if the timeline is not yet known and empty (equivalent to getCurrentMediaItemIndex).


Position in the window or ad this event belongs to at the time of the event, in milliseconds.


Media period identifier for the media period this event belongs to, or null if the event is not associated with a specific media period.


Elapsed real-time as returned by SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() at the time of the event, in milliseconds.


Most recent Timeline that contains the event position.


Total buffered duration from currentPlaybackPositionMs at the time of the event, in milliseconds.


Window index in the timeline this event belongs to, or the prospective window index if the timeline is not yet known and empty.

Public constructors


    realtimeMs: Long,
    timeline: Timeline!,
    windowIndex: Int,
    mediaPeriodId: MediaSource.MediaPeriodId?,
    eventPlaybackPositionMs: Long,
    currentTimeline: Timeline!,
    currentWindowIndex: Int,
    currentMediaPeriodId: MediaSource.MediaPeriodId?,
    currentPlaybackPositionMs: Long,
    totalBufferedDurationMs: Long
realtimeMs: Long

Elapsed real-time as returned by SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() at the time of the event, in milliseconds.

timeline: Timeline!

Most recent Timeline that contains the event position.

windowIndex: Int

Window index in the timeline this event belongs to, or the prospective window index if the timeline is not yet known and empty.

mediaPeriodId: MediaSource.MediaPeriodId?

Media period identifier for the media period this event belongs to, or null if the event is not associated with a specific media period.

eventPlaybackPositionMs: Long

Position in the window or ad this event belongs to at the time of the event, in milliseconds.

currentTimeline: Timeline!

The current Timeline at the time of the event (equivalent to getCurrentTimeline).

currentWindowIndex: Int

The current window index in currentTimeline at the time of the event, or the prospective window index if the timeline is not yet known and empty (equivalent to getCurrentMediaItemIndex).

currentMediaPeriodId: MediaSource.MediaPeriodId?

Media period identifier for the currently playing media period at the time of the event, or null if no current media period identifier is available.

currentPlaybackPositionMs: Long

Position in the current timeline window or the currently playing ad at the time of the event, in milliseconds.

totalBufferedDurationMs: Long

Total buffered duration from currentPlaybackPositionMs at the time of the event, in milliseconds. This includes pre-buffered data for subsequent ads and windows.

Public functions


fun equals(o: Any?): Boolean


fun hashCode(): Int

Public properties


val currentMediaPeriodIdMediaSource.MediaPeriodId?

Media period identifier for the currently playing media period at the time of the event, or null if no current media period identifier is available.


val currentPlaybackPositionMsLong

Position in the current timeline window or the currently playing ad at the time of the event, in milliseconds.


val currentTimelineTimeline!

The current Timeline at the time of the event (equivalent to getCurrentTimeline).


val currentWindowIndexInt

The current window index in currentTimeline at the time of the event, or the prospective window index if the timeline is not yet known and empty (equivalent to getCurrentMediaItemIndex).


val eventPlaybackPositionMsLong

Position in the window or ad this event belongs to at the time of the event, in milliseconds.


val mediaPeriodIdMediaSource.MediaPeriodId?

Media period identifier for the media period this event belongs to, or null if the event is not associated with a specific media period.


val realtimeMsLong

Elapsed real-time as returned by SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() at the time of the event, in milliseconds.


val timelineTimeline!

Most recent Timeline that contains the event position.


val totalBufferedDurationMsLong

Total buffered duration from currentPlaybackPositionMs at the time of the event, in milliseconds. This includes pre-buffered data for subsequent ads and windows.


val windowIndexInt

Window index in the timeline this event belongs to, or the prospective window index if the timeline is not yet known and empty.