Allocator |
A source of allocations. |
Allocator.AllocationNode |
A node in a chain of |
BandwidthMeter |
Provides estimates of the currently available bandwidth. |
BandwidthMeter.EventListener |
A listener of |
CmcdConfiguration.Factory |
Factory for |
CmcdConfiguration.RequestConfig |
Represents configuration which can vary on each request. |
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy |
A policy that defines how load errors are handled. |
Loader.Callback |
A callback to be notified of |
Loader.Loadable |
An object that can be loaded using a |
Loader.ReleaseCallback |
A callback to be notified when a |
LoaderErrorThrower |
Conditionally throws errors affecting a |
ParsingLoadable.Parser |
Parses an object from loaded data. |
TimeToFirstByteEstimator |
Provides an estimate of the time to first byte of a transfer. |
Allocation |
An allocation within a byte array. |
BandwidthMeter.EventListener.EventDispatcher |
Event dispatcher which allows listener registration. |
CachedRegionTracker |
Utility class for efficiently tracking regions of data that are stored in a |
CmcdConfiguration |
Represents a configuration for the Common Media Client Data (CMCD) logging. |
CmcdData |
This class provides functionality for generating and adding Common Media Client Data (CMCD) data to adaptive streaming formats, DASH, HLS, and SmoothStreaming. |
CmcdData.Factory |
DefaultAllocator |
Default implementation of |
DefaultBandwidthMeter |
Estimates bandwidth by listening to data transfers. |
DefaultBandwidthMeter.Builder |
Builder for a bandwidth meter. |
DefaultLoadErrorHandlingPolicy |
Default implementation of |
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackOptions |
Holds information about the available fallback options. |
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackSelection |
A selected fallback option. |
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo |
Holds information about a load task error. |
Loader |
Manages the background loading of |
Loader.LoadErrorAction |
Action that can be taken in response to |
LoaderErrorThrower.Placeholder |
A |
ParsingLoadable |
A |
SlidingPercentile |
Calculate any percentile over a sliding window of weighted values. |
Loader.UnexpectedLoaderException |
Thrown when an unexpected exception or error is encountered during loading. |
CmcdConfiguration.CmcdKey |
Indicates that the annotated element represents a CMCD key. |
CmcdConfiguration.DataTransmissionMode |
Indicates the mode used for data transmission. |
CmcdConfiguration.HeaderKey |
Header keys SHOULD be allocated to one of the four defined header names based upon their expected level of variability: |
CmcdData.ObjectType |
Indicates the media type of current object being requested. |
CmcdData.StreamType |
Indicates the type of streaming for media content. |
CmcdData.StreamingFormat |
Indicates the streaming format used for media content. |
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackType |
Fallback type. |