
This is a collection of flags which are used to guard against regressions in some of the "riskier" refactors or new feature support that is added to this module. These flags are always "on" in the published artifact of this module, however these flags allow end consumers of this module to toggle them "off" in case this new path is causing a regression.

These flags are considered temporary, and there should be no expectation for these flags be around for an extended period of time. If you have a regression that one of these flags fixes, it is strongly encouraged for you to file a bug ASAP.


In order to turn a feature off in a debug environment, it is recommended to set this to false in as close to the initial loading of the application as possible. Changing this value after compose library code has already been loaded can result in undefined behavior.

class MyApplication : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        ComposeUiFlags.SomeFeatureEnabled = false

In order to turn this off in a release environment, it is recommended to additionally utilize R8 rules which force a single value for the entire build artifact. This can result in the new code paths being completely removed from the artifact, which can often have nontrivial positive performance impact.

-assumevalues class androidx.compose.runtime.ComposeUiFlags {
    public static int isRectTrackingEnabled return false


Public properties


Selecting flag to enable the change new onPostFling nested scroll behavior for ongoing flings.


With this flag on, during layout we will do some additional work to store the minimum bounding rectangles for all Layout Nodes.


When an embedded view that is focused is removed from the hierarchy, it triggers a requestFocus() which tries to re-assign focus before the previous composition is complete.


With this flag on, the new semantic version of Autofill APIs will be enabled.


With this flag on, the new focus state management implementation is enabled.


This enables fixes for View focus.


Public properties


var NewNestedScrollFlingDispatchingEnabledBoolean

Selecting flag to enable the change new onPostFling nested scroll behavior for ongoing flings. If a nested scroll node is removed from the tree before sending the onPostFling callback, we will hold on to the next node in the tree so we have a handle to send the information after the fling finish/is cancelled.


var isRectTrackingEnabledBoolean

With this flag on, during layout we will do some additional work to store the minimum bounding rectangles for all Layout Nodes. This introduces some additional maintenance burden, but will be used in the future to enable certain features that are not possible to do efficiently at this point, as well as speed up some other areas of the system such as semantics, focus, pointer input, etc. If significant performance overhead is noticed during layout phases, it is possible that the addition of this tracking is the culprit.


var isRemoveFocusedViewFixEnabledBoolean

When an embedded view that is focused is removed from the hierarchy, it triggers a requestFocus() which tries to re-assign focus before the previous composition is complete. This flag enables a fix for this issue.


var isSemanticAutofillEnabledBoolean

With this flag on, the new semantic version of Autofill APIs will be enabled. Turning this flag off will disable the new Semantic Autofill APIs, and the new refactored semantics.


var isTrackFocusEnabledBoolean

With this flag on, the new focus state management implementation is enabled. The new implementation removes the focus state previously stored in each FocusTargetNode and instead keeps track of the current active focus node centrally in FocusOwnerImpl. This change reduces the cost of initializing the focus system.


var isViewFocusFixEnabledBoolean

This enables fixes for View focus. The changes are large enough to require a flag to allow disabling them.