


Thrown when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


Thrown when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected, e.g., the user's biometrics were not recognized.

Extension functions summary

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

<Error class: unknown class>
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

<Error class: unknown class>
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    description: CharSequence?

Prompts the user to authenticate with the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

suspend BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    description: CharSequence?

Prompts the user to authenticate with the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

<Error class: unknown class>
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

<Error class: unknown class>
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

<Error class: unknown class>
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

<Error class: unknown class>
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

<Error class: unknown class>
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

<Error class: unknown class>
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence?,
    description: CharSequence?,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

<Error class: unknown class>
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    description: CharSequence?,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

<Error class: unknown class>
@RequiresApi(value = 30)
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    description: CharSequence?,
    executor: Executor?,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

Extension functions

suspend fun <Error class: unknown class>.authenticate(
    host: <Error class: unknown class>
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

import androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptErrorException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptFailureException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptHost
import androidx.biometric.auth.Class2BiometricAuthPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.authenticate

val payload = "A message to encrypt".toByteArray(Charset.defaultCharset())

// Construct AuthPrompt with localized Strings to be displayed to UI.
val authPrompt =
    Class2BiometricAuthPrompt.Builder(title, negativeButtonText)
        .apply {

try {
    val authResult = authPrompt.authenticate(AuthPromptHost(this))

    // Encrypt a payload using the result of crypto-based auth.
    val encryptedPayload = authResult.cryptoObject?.cipher?.doFinal(payload)

    // Use the encrypted payload somewhere interesting.
} catch (e: AuthPromptErrorException) {
    // Handle irrecoverable error during authentication.
    // Possible values for AuthPromptErrorException.errorCode are listed in the @IntDef,
    // androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationError.
} catch (e: AuthPromptFailureException) {
    // Handle auth failure due biometric credentials being rejected.
host: <Error class: unknown class>

A wrapper for the component that will host the prompt.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.

See also

(AuthPromptHost, AuthPromptCallback)

suspend fun <Error class: unknown class>.authenticate(
    host: <Error class: unknown class>
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

import androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptErrorException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptFailureException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptHost
import androidx.biometric.auth.Class2BiometricOrCredentialAuthPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.CredentialAuthPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.authenticate

val payload = "A message to encrypt".toByteArray(Charset.defaultCharset())

// Construct AuthPrompt with localized Strings to be displayed to UI.
val authPrompt =
        .apply {

try {
    val authResult = authPrompt.authenticate(AuthPromptHost(this))

    // Encrypt a payload using the result of crypto-based auth.
    val encryptedPayload = authResult.cryptoObject?.cipher?.doFinal(payload)

    // Use the encrypted payload somewhere interesting.
} catch (e: AuthPromptErrorException) {
    // Handle irrecoverable error during authentication.
    // Possible values for AuthPromptErrorException.errorCode are listed in the @IntDef,
    // androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationError.
} catch (e: AuthPromptFailureException) {
    // Handle auth failure due biometric credentials being rejected.
host: <Error class: unknown class>

A wrapper for the component that will host the prompt.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.

See also

( AuthPromptHost, AuthPromptCallback )

suspend fun <Error class: unknown class>.authenticate(
    host: <Error class: unknown class>,
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

import androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptErrorException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptFailureException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptHost
import androidx.biometric.auth.Class3BiometricAuthPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.authenticate

// To use Class3 authentication, we need to create a CryptoObject.
// First create a spec for the key to be generated.
val keyPurpose = KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT or KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT
val keySpec =
    KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(KEY_NAME, keyPurpose)
        .apply {

            // Require authentication for each use of the key.
            val timeout = 0
            // Set the key type according to the allowed auth types.
            val keyType =
                KeyProperties.AUTH_BIOMETRIC_STRONG or KeyProperties.AUTH_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL
            setUserAuthenticationParameters(timeout, keyType)

// Generate and store the key in the Android keystore.
KeyGenerator.getInstance(KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_AES, KEYSTORE_INSTANCE).run {

// Prepare the crypto object to use for authentication.
val cipher =
            "${KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_AES}/${KeyProperties.BLOCK_MODE_CBC}/" +
        .apply {
            val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KEYSTORE_INSTANCE).apply { load(null) }
            init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyStore.getKey(KEY_NAME, null) as SecretKey)

val cryptoObject = BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject(cipher)
val payload = "A message to encrypt".toByteArray(Charset.defaultCharset())

// Construct AuthPrompt with localized Strings to be displayed to UI.
val authPrompt =
    Class3BiometricAuthPrompt.Builder(title, negativeButtonText)
        .apply {

try {
    val authResult = authPrompt.authenticate(AuthPromptHost(this), cryptoObject)

    // Encrypt a payload using the result of crypto-based auth.
    val encryptedPayload = authResult.cryptoObject?.cipher?.doFinal(payload)

    // Use the encrypted payload somewhere interesting.
} catch (e: AuthPromptErrorException) {
    // Handle irrecoverable error during authentication.
    // Possible values for AuthPromptErrorException.errorCode are listed in the @IntDef,
    // androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationError.
} catch (e: AuthPromptFailureException) {
    // Handle auth failure due biometric credentials being rejected.
host: <Error class: unknown class>

A wrapper for the component that will host the prompt.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.

See also

(AuthPromptHost, AuthPromptCallback)

@RequiresApi(value = 30)
suspend fun <Error class: unknown class>.authenticate(
    host: <Error class: unknown class>,
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

import androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptErrorException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptFailureException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptHost
import androidx.biometric.auth.Class3BiometricOrCredentialAuthPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.CredentialAuthPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.authenticate

// To use Class3 authentication, we need to create a CryptoObject.
// First create a spec for the key to be generated.
val keyPurpose = KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT or KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT
val keySpec =
    KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(KEY_NAME, keyPurpose)
        .apply {

            // Require authentication for each use of the key.
            val timeout = 0
            // Set the key type according to the allowed auth types.
            val keyType =
                KeyProperties.AUTH_BIOMETRIC_STRONG or KeyProperties.AUTH_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL
            setUserAuthenticationParameters(timeout, keyType)

// Generate and store the key in the Android keystore.
KeyGenerator.getInstance(KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_AES, KEYSTORE_INSTANCE).run {

// Prepare the crypto object to use for authentication.
val cipher =
            "${KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_AES}/${KeyProperties.BLOCK_MODE_CBC}/" +
        .apply {
            val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KEYSTORE_INSTANCE).apply { load(null) }
            init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyStore.getKey(KEY_NAME, null) as SecretKey)

val cryptoObject = BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject(cipher)
val payload = "A message to encrypt".toByteArray(Charset.defaultCharset())

// Construct AuthPrompt with localized Strings to be displayed to UI.
val authPrompt =
        .apply {

try {
    val authResult = authPrompt.authenticate(AuthPromptHost(this), cryptoObject)

    // Encrypt a payload using the result of crypto-based auth.
    val encryptedPayload = authResult.cryptoObject?.cipher?.doFinal(payload)

    // Use the encrypted payload somewhere interesting.
} catch (e: AuthPromptErrorException) {
    // Handle irrecoverable error during authentication.
    // Possible values for AuthPromptErrorException.errorCode are listed in the @IntDef,
    // androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationError.
} catch (e: AuthPromptFailureException) {
    // Handle auth failure due biometric credentials being rejected.
host: <Error class: unknown class>

A wrapper for the component that will host the prompt.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.

See also

( AuthPromptHost, AuthPromptCallback )

@RequiresApi(value = 30)
suspend fun <Error class: unknown class>.authenticate(
    host: <Error class: unknown class>,
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Shows an authentication prompt to the user.

import androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptErrorException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptFailureException
import androidx.biometric.auth.AuthPromptHost
import androidx.biometric.auth.CredentialAuthPrompt
import androidx.biometric.auth.authenticate

// To use credential authentication, we need to create a CryptoObject.
// First create a spec for the key to be generated.
val keyPurpose = KeyProperties.PURPOSE_ENCRYPT or KeyProperties.PURPOSE_DECRYPT
val keySpec =
    KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(KEY_NAME, keyPurpose)
        .apply {

            // Require authentication for each use of the key.
            val timeout = 0
            // Set the key type according to the allowed auth type.
            val keyType = KeyProperties.AUTH_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL
            setUserAuthenticationParameters(timeout, keyType)

// Generate and store the key in the Android keystore.
KeyGenerator.getInstance(KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_AES, KEYSTORE_INSTANCE).run {

// Prepare the crypto object to use for authentication.
val cipher =
            "${KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_AES}/${KeyProperties.BLOCK_MODE_CBC}/" +
        .apply {
            val keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KEYSTORE_INSTANCE).apply { load(null) }
            init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keyStore.getKey(KEY_NAME, null) as SecretKey)

val cryptoObject = BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject(cipher)
val payload = "A message to encrypt".toByteArray(Charset.defaultCharset())

// Construct AuthPrompt with localized Strings to be displayed to UI.
val authPrompt =
    CredentialAuthPrompt.Builder(title).apply { setDescription(description) }.build()

try {
    val authResult = authPrompt.authenticate(AuthPromptHost(this), cryptoObject)

    // Encrypt a payload using the result of crypto-based auth.
    val encryptedPayload = authResult.cryptoObject?.cipher?.doFinal(payload)

    // Use the encrypted payload somewhere interesting.
} catch (e: AuthPromptErrorException) {
    // Handle irrecoverable error during authentication.
    // Possible values for AuthPromptErrorException.errorCode are listed in the @IntDef,
    // androidx.biometric.BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationError.
} catch (e: AuthPromptFailureException) {
    // Handle auth failure due biometric credentials being rejected.
host: <Error class: unknown class>

A wrapper for the component that will host the prompt.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.

See also

( AuthPromptHost host, BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject, AuthPromptCallback )


suspend fun FragmentActivity.authenticateWithClass2Biometrics(
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

Note that Class 3 biometrics are guaranteed to meet the requirements for Class 2 and thus will also be accepted.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

negativeButtonText: CharSequence

The label for the negative button on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


suspend fun Fragment.authenticateWithClass2Biometrics(
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

Note that Class 3 biometrics are guaranteed to meet the requirements for Class 2 and thus will also be accepted.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

negativeButtonText: CharSequence

The label for the negative button on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


suspend fun FragmentActivity.authenticateWithClass2BiometricsOrCredentials(
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

Note that Class 3 biometrics are guaranteed to meet the requirements for Class 2 and thus will also be accepted.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


suspend fun Fragment.authenticateWithClass2BiometricsOrCredentials(
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

Note that Class 3 biometrics are guaranteed to meet the requirements for Class 2 and thus will also be accepted.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.


An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


suspend fun FragmentActivity.authenticateWithClass3Biometrics(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

negativeButtonText: CharSequence

The label for the negative button on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


suspend fun Fragment.authenticateWithClass3Biometrics(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

negativeButtonText: CharSequence

The label for the negative button on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


fun FragmentActivity.authenticateWithClass3Biometrics(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

negativeButtonText: CharSequence

The label for the negative button on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


fun Fragment.authenticateWithClass3Biometrics(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

negativeButtonText: CharSequence

The label for the negative button on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


@RequiresApi(value = 30)
suspend fun FragmentActivity.authenticateWithClass3BiometricsOrCredentials(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


@RequiresApi(value = 30)
suspend fun Fragment.authenticateWithClass3BiometricsOrCredentials(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


@RequiresApi(value = 30)
suspend fun FragmentActivity.authenticateWithCredentials(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    description: CharSequence? = null
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


@RequiresApi(value = 30)
suspend fun Fragment.authenticateWithCredentials(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    description: CharSequence? = null
): BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult

Prompts the user to authenticate with the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.


AuthenticationResult for a successful authentication.


when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and authentication has stopped.


when an authentication attempt by the user has been rejected.


fun FragmentActivity.startClass2BiometricAuthentication(
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

Note that Class 3 biometrics are guaranteed to meet the requirements for Class 2 and thus will also be accepted.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

negativeButtonText: CharSequence

The label for the negative button on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


fun Fragment.startClass2BiometricAuthentication(
    title: CharSequence,
    negativeButtonText: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris).

Note that Class 3 biometrics are guaranteed to meet the requirements for Class 2 and thus will also be accepted.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

negativeButtonText: CharSequence

The label for the negative button on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


fun FragmentActivity.startClass2BiometricOrCredentialAuthentication(
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

Note that Class 3 biometrics are guaranteed to meet the requirements for Class 2 and thus will also be accepted.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


fun Fragment.startClass2BiometricOrCredentialAuthentication(
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 2 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

Note that Class 3 biometrics are guaranteed to meet the requirements for Class 2 and thus will also be accepted.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


@RequiresApi(value = 30)
fun FragmentActivity.startClass3BiometricOrCredentialAuthentication(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


@RequiresApi(value = 30)
fun Fragment.startClass3BiometricOrCredentialAuthentication(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    subtitle: CharSequence? = null,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    confirmationRequired: Boolean = true,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with a Class 3 biometric (e.g. fingerprint, face, or iris) or the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

subtitle: CharSequence? = null

An optional subtitle to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

confirmationRequired: Boolean = true

Whether user confirmation should be required for passive biometrics.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


@RequiresApi(value = 30)
fun FragmentActivity.startCredentialAuthentication(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.


@RequiresApi(value = 30)
fun Fragment.startCredentialAuthentication(
    crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?,
    title: CharSequence,
    description: CharSequence? = null,
    executor: Executor? = null,
    callback: <Error class: unknown class>
): <Error class: unknown class>

Prompts the user to authenticate with the screen lock credential (i.e. PIN, pattern, or password) for the device.

crypto: BiometricPrompt.CryptoObject?

A cryptographic object to be associated with this authentication.

title: CharSequence

The title to be displayed on the prompt.

description: CharSequence? = null

An optional description to be displayed on the prompt.

executor: Executor? = null

An executor for callback methods. If null, these will run on the main thread.

callback: <Error class: unknown class>

The object that will receive and process authentication events.

<Error class: unknown class>

An AuthPrompt handle to the shown prompt.