
class BeginGetCredentialRequest

Query stage request for getting user's credentials from a given credential provider.

This request contains a list of BeginGetCredentialOption that have parameters to be used to query credentials, and return a BeginGetCredentialResponse, containing a list CredentialEntry that are presented to the user on an selector.

Note : Credential providers are not expected to utilize the constructor in this class for any production flow. This constructor must only be used for testing purposes.


Public companion functions


Helper method to convert the class to a parcelable Bundle, in case the class instance needs to be sent across a process.

fromBundle(bundle: Bundle)

Helper method to convert a Bundle retrieved through asBundle, back to an instance of BeginGetCredentialRequest.

Public constructors

    beginGetCredentialOptions: List<BeginGetCredentialOption>,
    callingAppInfo: CallingAppInfo?

constructs an instance of BeginGetCredentialRequest

Public properties


the list of type specific credential options to to be processed in order to produce a BeginGetCredentialResponse


info pertaining to the app requesting credentials

Public companion functions


Added in 1.2.0
fun asBundle(request: BeginGetCredentialRequest): Bundle

Helper method to convert the class to a parcelable Bundle, in case the class instance needs to be sent across a process. Consumers of this method should use fromBundle to reconstruct the class instance back from the bundle returned here.


Added in 1.2.0
fun fromBundle(bundle: Bundle): BeginGetCredentialRequest?

Helper method to convert a Bundle retrieved through asBundle, back to an instance of BeginGetCredentialRequest.

Public constructors


    beginGetCredentialOptions: List<BeginGetCredentialOption>,
    callingAppInfo: CallingAppInfo? = null

constructs an instance of BeginGetCredentialRequest

beginGetCredentialOptions: List<BeginGetCredentialOption>

the list of type specific credential options to to be processed in order to produce a BeginGetCredentialResponse

callingAppInfo: CallingAppInfo? = null

info pertaining to the app requesting credentials

Public properties


Added in 1.2.0
val beginGetCredentialOptionsList<BeginGetCredentialOption>

the list of type specific credential options to to be processed in order to produce a BeginGetCredentialResponse


Added in 1.2.0
val callingAppInfoCallingAppInfo?

info pertaining to the app requesting credentials