
abstract class Renderer.CanvasRenderer2<SharedAssetsT : Renderer.SharedAssets> : Renderer.CanvasRenderer

Known direct subclasses

This class is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Watch faces that require Canvas rendering and are able to take advantage of SharedAssets to save memory (there can be more than once instance when editing), should extend their Renderer from this class.

A CanvasRenderer is expected to be constructed on the background thread associated with WatchFaceService.getBackgroundThreadHandler inside a call to WatchFaceService.createWatchFace. All rendering is be done on the UiThread. There is a memory barrier between construction and rendering so no special threading primitives are required.

In Java it may be easier to extend androidx.wear.watchface.ListenableCanvasRenderer2 instead.

use Watch Face Format instead

<SharedAssetsT : Renderer.SharedAssets>

The type extending SharedAssets returned by createSharedAssets and passed into render and renderHighlightLayer.


Public constructors

<SharedAssetsT : Renderer.SharedAssets> CanvasRenderer2(
    surfaceHolder: SurfaceHolder,
    currentUserStyleRepository: CurrentUserStyleRepository,
    watchState: WatchState,
    canvasType: Int,
    interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis: @IntRange(from = 0, to = 60000) Long,
    clearWithBackgroundTintBeforeRenderingHighlightLayer: Boolean

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Public functions

final Unit
render(canvas: Canvas, bounds: Rect, zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime)

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

abstract Unit
    canvas: Canvas,
    bounds: Rect,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime,
    sharedAssets: SharedAssetsT

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

final Unit
    canvas: Canvas,
    bounds: Rect,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

abstract Unit
    canvas: Canvas,
    bounds: Rect,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime,
    sharedAssets: SharedAssetsT

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Protected functions

abstract suspend SharedAssetsT

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Inherited functions

From androidx.wear.watchface.Renderer
open Rect

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.


This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open Unit

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open Unit

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.


This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.


This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open Boolean

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

From androidx.wear.watchface.Renderer.CanvasRenderer
open suspend Unit

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open Unit

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Inherited properties

From androidx.wear.watchface.Renderer

This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

@Px Float

This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

@Px Float

This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.


This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.


This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.


This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.


This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.


This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

From androidx.wear.watchface.Renderer.CanvasRenderer

This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Public constructors


<SharedAssetsT : Renderer.SharedAssets> CanvasRenderer2(
    surfaceHolder: SurfaceHolder,
    currentUserStyleRepository: CurrentUserStyleRepository,
    watchState: WatchState,
    canvasType: Int,
    interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis: @IntRange(from = 0, to = 60000) Long,
    clearWithBackgroundTintBeforeRenderingHighlightLayer: Boolean
<SharedAssetsT : Renderer.SharedAssets>

The type extending SharedAssets returned by createSharedAssets and passed into render and renderHighlightLayer.

surfaceHolder: SurfaceHolder

The SurfaceHolder from which a Canvas to will be obtained and passed into render.

currentUserStyleRepository: CurrentUserStyleRepository

The watch face's associated CurrentUserStyleRepository.

watchState: WatchState

The watch face's associated WatchState.

canvasType: Int

The CanvasTypeIntDef to request. Note even if CanvasType.HARDWARE is used, screenshots will taken using the software rendering pipeline, as such Bitmaps with Bitmap.Config.HARDWARE must be avoided.

interactiveDrawModeUpdateDelayMillis: @IntRange(from = 0, to = 60000) Long

The interval in milliseconds between frames in interactive DrawModes. To render at 60hz set to 16. Note when battery is low, the frame rate will be clamped to 10fps. Watch faces are recommended to use lower frame rates if possible for better battery life. Variable frame rates can also help preserve battery life, e.g. if a watch face has a short animation once per second it can adjust the framerate inorder to sleep when not animating.

clearWithBackgroundTintBeforeRenderingHighlightLayer: Boolean

Whether the Canvas is cleared with RenderParameters.HighlightLayer.backgroundTint before renderHighlightLayer is called. Defaults to false.

Public functions


final fun render(canvas: Canvas, bounds: Rect, zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime): Unit

Sub-classes should override this to implement their watch face rendering logic which should respect the current renderParameters. Please note WatchState.isAmbient may not match the RenderParameters.drawMode and should not be used to decide what to render. E.g. when editing from the companion phone while the watch is ambient, renders may be requested with DrawMode.INTERACTIVE.

Any highlights due to RenderParameters.highlightLayer should be rendered by renderHighlightLayer instead where possible. For correct behavior this function must use the supplied ZonedDateTime in favor of any other ways of getting the time.

Before any calls to render, init will be called once.

canvas: Canvas

The Canvas to render into. Don't assume this is always the canvas from the SurfaceHolder backing the display

bounds: Rect

A Rect describing the bonds of the canvas to draw into

zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime

The ZonedDateTime to render with


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
abstract fun render(
    canvas: Canvas,
    bounds: Rect,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime,
    sharedAssets: SharedAssetsT
): Unit

Sub-classes should override this to implement their watch face rendering logic which should respect the current renderParameters. Please note WatchState.isAmbient may not match the RenderParameters.drawMode and should not be used to decide what to render. E.g. when editing from the companion phone while the watch is ambient, renders may be requested with DrawMode.INTERACTIVE.

Any highlights due to RenderParameters.highlightLayer should be rendered by renderHighlightLayer instead where possible. For correct behavior this function must use the supplied ZonedDateTime in favor of any other ways of getting the time.

Before any calls to render, init will be called once.

canvas: Canvas

The Canvas to render into. Don't assume this is always the canvas from the SurfaceHolder backing the display

bounds: Rect

A Rect describing the bonds of the canvas to draw into

zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime

The ZonedDateTime to render with

sharedAssets: SharedAssetsT

The SharedAssetsT returned by createSharedAssets


final fun renderHighlightLayer(
    canvas: Canvas,
    bounds: Rect,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime
): Unit

Sub-classes should override this to implement their watch face highlight layer rendering logic for the RenderParameters.highlightLayer aspect of renderParameters. Typically the implementation will clear canvas to RenderParameters.HighlightLayer.backgroundTint before rendering a transparent highlight or a solid outline around the RenderParameters.HighlightLayer.highlightedElement. This will be composited as needed on top of the results of render. For correct behavior this function must use the supplied ZonedDateTime in favor of any other ways of getting the time.

Note if clearWithBackgroundTintBeforeRenderingHighlightLayer is true then canvas will cleared with RenderParameters.HighlightLayer.backgroundTint before renderHighlightLayer is called. Otherwise it is up to the overridden function to clear the Canvas if necessary.

canvas: Canvas

The Canvas to render into. Don't assume this is always the canvas from the SurfaceHolder backing the display

bounds: Rect

A Rect describing the bonds of the canvas to draw into

zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime

the ZonedDateTime to render with


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
abstract fun renderHighlightLayer(
    canvas: Canvas,
    bounds: Rect,
    zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime,
    sharedAssets: SharedAssetsT
): Unit

Sub-classes should override this to implement their watch face highlight layer rendering logic for the RenderParameters.highlightLayer aspect of renderParameters. Typically the implementation will clear canvas to RenderParameters.HighlightLayer.backgroundTint before rendering a transparent highlight or a solid outline around the RenderParameters.HighlightLayer.highlightedElement. This will be composited as needed on top of the results of render. For correct behavior this function must use the supplied ZonedDateTime in favor of any other ways of getting the time.

Note if clearWithBackgroundTintBeforeRenderingHighlightLayer is true then canvas will cleared with RenderParameters.HighlightLayer.backgroundTint before renderHighlightLayer is called. Otherwise it is up to the overridden function to clear the Canvas if necessary.

canvas: Canvas

The Canvas to render into. Don't assume this is always the canvas from the SurfaceHolder backing the display

bounds: Rect

A Rect describing the bonds of the canvas to draw into

zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime

the ZonedDateTime to render with

sharedAssets: SharedAssetsT

The SharedAssetsT returned by createSharedAssets

Protected functions


protected abstract suspend fun createSharedAssets(): SharedAssetsT

When editing multiple WatchFaceService instances and hence Renderers can exist concurrently (e.g. a headless instance and an interactive instance) and using SharedAssets allows memory to be saved by sharing immutable data (e.g. Bitmaps, shaders, etc...) between them.

To take advantage of SharedAssets, override this method. The constructed SharedAssets are passed into the render as an argument (NB you'll have to cast this to your type).

When all instances using SharedAssets have been closed, SharedAssets.onDestroy will be called.

Note that while SharedAssets are constructed on a background thread, they'll typically be used on the main thread and subsequently destroyed there.


The SharedAssetsT that will be passed into render and renderHighlightLayer.