@RequiresApi(value = 24)
class ArtMetric : Metric

Captures metrics about ART method/class compilation and initialization.

JIT Compilation, Class Verification, and (on supported devices) Class Loading.

For more information on how ART compilation works, see ART Runtime docs.

JIT Compilation

As interpreted (uncompiled) dex code from the APK is run, some methods will be Just-In-Time (JIT) compiled, and this compilation is traced by ART. This does not apply to methods AOT compiled either from Baseline Profiles, Warmup Profiles, or Full AOT.

The number of traces and total duration (reported as artJitCount and artJitSumMs) indicate how many uncompiled methods were considered hot by the runtime, and were JITted during measurement.

Note that framework code on the system image that is not AOT compiled on the system image may also be JITted, and will also show up in this metric. If you see this metric reporting non-zero values when compiled with CompilationMode.Full or CompilationMode.Partial, this may be the reason.

Some methods can't be AOTed or JIT compiled. Generally these are either methods too large for the Android runtime compiler, or due to a malformed class definition.

Class Loading

Class Loading tracing requires either API 35, or API 31+ with ART mainline version >= 341511000. If a device doesn't support these tracepoints, the measurements will not be reported in Studio UI or in JSON results. You can check your device's ART mainline version with:

adb shell cmd package list packages --show-versioncode --apex-only art

Classes must be loaded by ART in order to be used at runtime. In CompilationMode.None and CompilationMode.Full, this is deferred until runtime, and the cost of this can significantly slow down scenarios where code is run for the first time, such as startup.

In CompilationMode.Partial(warmupIterations=...) classes captured in the warmup profile (used during the warmup iterations) are persisted into the .art file at compile time to allow them to be preloaded during app start, before app code begins to execute. If a class is preloaded by the runtime, it will not appear in traces.

Even if a class is captured in the warmup profile, it will not be persisted at compile time if any of the superclasses are not in the app's profile (extremely unlikely) or the Boot Image profile (for Boot Image classes).

The number of traces and total duration (reported as artClassLoadCount and artClassLoadSumMs) indicate how many classes were loaded during measurement, at runtime, without preloading at compile time.

These tracepoints are slices of the form Lcom/example/MyClassName; for a class named com.example.MyClassName.

Class loading is not affected by class verification.

Class Verification

Most usages of a class require classes to be verified by the runtime (some usage only require loading). Typically all classes in a release APK are verified at install time, regardless of CompilationMode.

The number of traces and total duration (reported as artVerifyClass and artVerifyClassSumMs) indicate how many classes were verified during measurement, at runtime.

There are two exceptions however:

  1. If install-time verification fails for a class, it will remain unverified, and be verified at runtime.

  2. Debuggable=true apps are not verified at install time, to save on iteration speed at the cost of runtime performance. This results in runtime verification of each class as it's loaded which is the source of much of the slowdown between a debug app and a release app. As Macrobenchmark treats debuggable=true as a measurement error, this won't be the case for ArtMetric measurements unless you suppress that error.

Some classes will be verified at runtime rather than install time due to limitations in the compiler and runtime or due to being malformed.


Public constructors

Public constructors


Added in 1.4.0-alpha10