
class DefaultDataSource : DataSource

A DataSource that supports multiple URI schemes. The supported schemes are:

  • file: For fetching data from a local file (e.g. file:///path/to/media/media.mp4, or just /path/to/media/media.mp4 because the implementation assumes that a URI without a scheme is a local file URI).
  • asset: For fetching data from an asset in the application's APK (e.g. asset:///media.mp4).
  • rawresource: For fetching data from a raw resource in the application's APK (e.g. rawresource:///resourceId, where rawResourceId is the integer identifier of the raw resource).
  • android.resource: For fetching data in the application's APK (e.g. android.resource:///resourceId or android.resource://resourceType/resourceName). See RawResourceDataSource for more information about the URI form.
  • content: For fetching data from a content URI (e.g. content://authority/path/123).
  • rtmp: For fetching data over RTMP. Only supported if the project using ExoPlayer has an explicit dependency on ExoPlayer's RTMP extension.
  • data: For parsing data inlined in the URI as defined in RFC 2397.
  • udp: For fetching data over UDP (e.g. udp://
  • http(s): For fetching data over HTTP and HTTPS (e.g., if constructed using DefaultDataSource, or any other schemes supported by a base data source if constructed using DefaultDataSource.


Public constructors

DefaultDataSource(context: Context!, allowCrossProtocolRedirects: Boolean)

Constructs a new instance, optionally configured to follow cross-protocol redirects.

DefaultDataSource(context: Context!, baseDataSource: DataSource!)

Constructs a new instance that delegates to a provided DataSource for URI schemes other than file, asset and content.

    context: Context!,
    userAgent: String?,
    allowCrossProtocolRedirects: Boolean

Constructs a new instance, optionally configured to follow cross-protocol redirects.

    context: Context!,
    userAgent: String?,
    connectTimeoutMillis: Int,
    readTimeoutMillis: Int,
    allowCrossProtocolRedirects: Boolean

Constructs a new instance, optionally configured to follow cross-protocol redirects.

Public functions


Adds a TransferListener to listen to data transfers.


Closes the source.

(Mutable)Map<String!, (Mutable)List<String!>!>!

When the source is open, returns the response headers associated with the last open call.


When the source is open, returns the Uri from which data is being read.


Opens the source to read the specified data.

read(buffer: ByteArray!, offset: Int, length: Int)

Reads up to length bytes of data from the input.

Public constructors


DefaultDataSource(context: Context!, allowCrossProtocolRedirects: Boolean)

Constructs a new instance, optionally configured to follow cross-protocol redirects.

context: Context!

A context.

allowCrossProtocolRedirects: Boolean

Whether to allow cross-protocol redirects.


DefaultDataSource(context: Context!, baseDataSource: DataSource!)

Constructs a new instance that delegates to a provided DataSource for URI schemes other than file, asset and content.

context: Context!

A context.

baseDataSource: DataSource!

A DataSource to use for URI schemes other than file, asset and content. This DataSource should normally support at least http(s).


    context: Context!,
    userAgent: String?,
    allowCrossProtocolRedirects: Boolean

Constructs a new instance, optionally configured to follow cross-protocol redirects.

context: Context!

A context.

userAgent: String?

The user agent that will be used when requesting remote data, or null to use the default user agent of the underlying platform.

allowCrossProtocolRedirects: Boolean

Whether cross-protocol redirects (i.e. redirects from HTTP to HTTPS and vice versa) are enabled when fetching remote data.


    context: Context!,
    userAgent: String?,
    connectTimeoutMillis: Int,
    readTimeoutMillis: Int,
    allowCrossProtocolRedirects: Boolean

Constructs a new instance, optionally configured to follow cross-protocol redirects.

context: Context!

A context.

userAgent: String?

The user agent that will be used when requesting remote data, or null to use the default user agent of the underlying platform.

connectTimeoutMillis: Int

The connection timeout that should be used when requesting remote data, in milliseconds. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.

readTimeoutMillis: Int

The read timeout that should be used when requesting remote data, in milliseconds. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.

allowCrossProtocolRedirects: Boolean

Whether cross-protocol redirects (i.e. redirects from HTTP to HTTPS and vice versa) are enabled when fetching remote data.

Public functions


fun addTransferListener(transferListener: TransferListener!): Unit

Adds a TransferListener to listen to data transfers. This method is not thread-safe.

transferListener: TransferListener!

A TransferListener.


fun close(): Unit

Closes the source. This method must be called even if the corresponding call to open threw an IOException.


If an error occurs closing the source.


fun getResponseHeaders(): (Mutable)Map<String!, (Mutable)List<String!>!>!

When the source is open, returns the response headers associated with the last open call. Otherwise, returns an empty map.

Key look-up in the returned map is case-insensitive.


fun getUri(): Uri?

When the source is open, returns the Uri from which data is being read. The returned Uri will be identical to the one passed open in the DataSpec unless redirection has occurred. If redirection has occurred, the Uri after redirection is returned.


The Uri from which data is being read, or null if the source is not open.


fun open(dataSpec: DataSpec!): Long

Opens the source to read the specified data. If an IOException is thrown, callers must still call close to ensure that any partial effects of the invocation are cleaned up.

The following edge case behaviors apply:

dataSpec: DataSpec!

Defines the data to be read.


The number of bytes that can be read from the opened source. For unbounded requests (i.e., requests where length equals LENGTH_UNSET) this value is the resolved length of the request, or LENGTH_UNSET if the length is still unresolved. For all other requests, the value returned will be equal to the request's length.


If an error occurs opening the source. DataSourceException can be thrown or used as a cause of the thrown exception to specify the reason of the error.


fun read(buffer: ByteArray!, offset: Int, length: Int): Int

Reads up to length bytes of data from the input.

If readLength is zero then 0 is returned. Otherwise, if no data is available because the end of the opened range has been reached, then RESULT_END_OF_INPUT is returned. Otherwise, the call will block until at least one byte of data has been read and the number of bytes read is returned.

buffer: ByteArray!

A target array into which data should be written.

offset: Int

The offset into the target array at which to write.

length: Int

The maximum number of bytes to read from the input.


The number of bytes read, or RESULT_END_OF_INPUT if the input has ended. This may be less than length because the end of the input (or available data) was reached, the method was interrupted, or the operation was aborted early for another reason.


If an error occurs reading from the input.