interface Record
ActiveCaloriesBurnedRecord |
Captures the estimated active energy burned by the user (in kilocalories), excluding basal metabolic rate (BMR). |
BasalBodyTemperatureRecord |
Captures the body temperature of a user when at rest (for example, immediately after waking up). |
BasalMetabolicRateRecord |
Captures the BMR of a user. |
BloodGlucoseRecord |
Captures the concentration of glucose in the blood. |
BloodPressureRecord |
Captures the blood pressure of a user. |
BodyFatRecord |
Captures the body fat percentage of a user. |
BodyTemperatureRecord |
Captures the body temperature of a user. |
BodyWaterMassRecord |
Captures the user's body water mass. |
BoneMassRecord |
Captures the user's bone mass. |
CervicalMucusRecord |
Captures the description of cervical mucus. |
CyclingPedalingCadenceRecord |
Captures the user's cycling pedaling cadence. |
DistanceRecord |
Captures distance travelled by the user since the last reading. |
ElevationGainedRecord |
Captures the elevation gained by the user since the last reading. |
ExerciseSessionRecord |
Captures any exercise a user does. |
FloorsClimbedRecord |
Captures the number of floors climbed by the user since the last reading. |
HeartRateRecord |
Captures the user's heart rate. |
HeartRateVariabilityRmssdRecord |
Captures user's heart rate variability (HRV) as measured by the root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD) between normal heartbeats. |
HeightRecord |
Captures the user's height. |
HydrationRecord |
Captures how much water a user drank in a single drink. |
IntermenstrualBleedingRecord |
Captures an instance of user's intermenstrual bleeding, also known as spotting. |
LeanBodyMassRecord |
Captures the user's lean body mass. |
MenstruationFlowRecord |
Captures a description of how heavy a user's menstrual flow was (light, medium, or heavy). |
MenstruationPeriodRecord |
Captures user's menstruation periods. |
NutritionRecord |
Captures what nutrients were consumed as part of a meal or a food item. |
OvulationTestRecord |
Each record represents the result of an ovulation test. |
OxygenSaturationRecord |
Captures the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood, measured as a percentage of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin. |
PlannedExerciseSessionRecord |
Captures a planned exercise session, also commonly referred to as a training plan. |
PowerRecord |
Captures the power generated by the user, e.g. during cycling or rowing with a power meter. |
RespiratoryRateRecord |
Captures the user's respiratory rate. |
RestingHeartRateRecord |
Captures the user's resting heart rate. |
SexualActivityRecord |
Captures an occurrence of sexual activity. |
SkinTemperatureRecord |
Captures the skin temperature of a user. |
SleepSessionRecord |
Captures the user's sleep length and its stages. |
SpeedRecord |
Captures the user's speed, e.g. during running or cycling. |
StepsCadenceRecord |
Captures the user's steps cadence. |
StepsRecord |
Captures the number of steps taken since the last reading. |
TotalCaloriesBurnedRecord |
Total energy burned by the user (in kilocalories), including active & basal energy burned (BMR). |
Vo2MaxRecord |
Capture user's VO2 max score and optionally the measurement method. |
WeightRecord |
Captures the user's weight. |
WheelchairPushesRecord |
Captures the number of wheelchair pushes done since the last reading. |
Common interface shared by readable or writable records.
Public properties
val metadata: Metadata
Set of common metadata associated with the written record.