
class ScrollFeedbackProviderCompat

Compat to access ScrollFeedbackProvider across different build versions.


Public functions

java-static ScrollFeedbackProviderCompat

Creates an instance of ScrollFeedbackProviderCompat.

onScrollLimit(inputDeviceId: Int, source: Int, axis: Int, isStart: Boolean)

Call this when the view has reached the scroll limit.

    inputDeviceId: Int,
    source: Int,
    axis: Int,
    deltaInPixels: Int

Call this when the view has scrolled.

onSnapToItem(inputDeviceId: Int, source: Int, axis: Int)

Call this when the view has snapped to an item.

Public functions


Added in 1.16.0-rc01
java-static fun createProvider(view: View): ScrollFeedbackProviderCompat

Creates an instance of ScrollFeedbackProviderCompat.


Added in 1.16.0-rc01
fun onScrollLimit(inputDeviceId: Int, source: Int, axis: Int, isStart: Boolean): Unit

Call this when the view has reached the scroll limit.

Note that a feedback may not be provided on every call to this method. This interface, for instance, may provide feedback on every `N`th scroll limit event. For the interface to properly provide feedback when needed, call this method for each scroll limit event that you want to be accounted to scroll limit feedback.

inputDeviceId: Int

the ID of the InputDevice that caused scrolling to hit limit.

source: Int

the input source of the motion that caused scrolling to hit the limit.

axis: Int

the axis of event that caused scrolling to hit the limit.

isStart: Boolean

true if scrolling hit limit at the start of the scrolling list, and false if the scrolling hit limit at the end of the scrolling list. start and end in this context are not geometrical references. Instead, they refer to the start and end of a scrolling experience. As such, "start" for some views may be at the bottom of a scrolling list, while it may be at the top of scrolling list for others.


Added in 1.16.0-rc01
fun onScrollProgress(
    inputDeviceId: Int,
    source: Int,
    axis: Int,
    deltaInPixels: Int
): Unit

Call this when the view has scrolled.

Different axes have different ways to map their raw axis values to pixels for scrolling. When calling this method, use the scroll values in pixels by which the view was scrolled; do not use the raw axis values. That is, use whatever value is passed to one of View's scrolling methods (example: scrollBy). For example, for vertical scrolling on AXIS_SCROLL, convert the raw axis value to the equivalent pixels by using getScaledVerticalScrollFactor, and use that value for this method call.

Note that a feedback may not be provided on every call to this method. This interface, for instance, may provide feedback for every `x` pixels scrolled. For the interface to properly track scroll progress and provide feedback when needed, call this method for each scroll event that you want to be accounted to scroll feedback.

inputDeviceId: Int

the ID of the InputDevice that caused scroll progress.

source: Int

the input source of the motion that caused scroll progress.

axis: Int

the axis of event that caused scroll progress.

deltaInPixels: Int

the amount of scroll progress, in pixels.


Added in 1.16.0-rc01
fun onSnapToItem(inputDeviceId: Int, source: Int, axis: Int): Unit

Call this when the view has snapped to an item.

inputDeviceId: Int

the ID of the InputDevice that generated the motion triggering the snap.

source: Int

the input source of the motion causing the snap.

axis: Int

the axis of event that caused the item to snap.