
  • Common/All
  • Android/JVM

An abstract Applier implementation.

An Applier is responsible for applying the tree-based operations that get emitted during a composition. Every Composer has an Applier which it uses to emit a ComposeNode.

A custom Applier implementation will be needed in order to utilize Compose to build and maintain a tree of a novel type.

import androidx.compose.runtime.AbstractApplier
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ComposeNode
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composition
import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionContext
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember

// Provided we have a tree with a node base type like the following
abstract class Node {
    val children = mutableListOf<Node>()

// We would implement an Applier class like the following, which would teach compose how to
// manage a tree of Nodes.
class NodeApplier(root: Node) : AbstractApplier<Node>(root) {
    override fun insertTopDown(index: Int, instance: Node) {
        current.children.add(index, instance)

    override fun insertBottomUp(index: Int, instance: Node) {
        // Ignored as the tree is built top-down.

    override fun remove(index: Int, count: Int) {
        current.children.remove(index, count)

    override fun move(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int) {
        current.children.move(from, to, count)

    override fun onClear() {

// A function like the following could be created to create a composition provided a root Node.
fun Node.setContent(parent: CompositionContext, content: @Composable () -> Unit): Composition {
    return Composition(NodeApplier(this), parent).apply { setContent(content) }

// assuming we have Node sub-classes like "TextNode" and "GroupNode"
class TextNode : Node() {
    var text: String = ""
    var onClick: () -> Unit = {}
class GroupNode : Node()

// Composable equivalents could be created
fun Text(text: String, onClick: () -> Unit = {}) {
    ComposeNode<TextNode, NodeApplier>(::TextNode) {
        set(text) { this.text = it }
        set(onClick) { this.onClick = it }

fun Group(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
    ComposeNode<GroupNode, NodeApplier>(::GroupNode, {}, content)

// and then a sample tree could be composed:
fun runApp(root: GroupNode, parent: CompositionContext) {
    root.setContent(parent) {
        var count by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
        Group {
            Text("Count: $count")
            Text("Increment") { count++ }


Public functions

open Unit
apply(block: N.(Any?) -> Unit, value: Any?)

Apply a change to the current node.


Move to the root and remove all nodes from the root, preparing both this Applier and its root to be used as the target of a new composition in the future.

down(node: N)

Indicates that the applier is getting traversed "down" the tree.

insertBottomUp(index: Int, instance: N)

Indicates that instance should be inserted as a child of current at index.

insertTopDown(index: Int, instance: N)

Indicates that instance should be inserted as a child to current at index.

move(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int)

Indicates that count children of current should be moved from index from to index to.

open Unit

Called when the Composer is about to begin applying changes using this applier.

open Unit

Called when the Composer is finished applying changes using this applier.

remove(index: Int, count: Int)

Indicates that the children of current from index to index + count should be removed.

open Unit

Notify current is is being reused in reusable content.


Indicates that the applier is getting traversed "up" the tree.


Public properties


The node that operations will be applied on at any given time.


Public functions


open fun apply(block: N.(Any?) -> Unit, value: Any?): Unit

Apply a change to the current node.


fun clear(): Unit

Move to the root and remove all nodes from the root, preparing both this Applier and its root to be used as the target of a new composition in the future.


fun down(node: N): Unit

Indicates that the applier is getting traversed "down" the tree. When this gets called, node is expected to be a child of current, and after this operation, node is expected to be the new current.


fun insertBottomUp(index: Int, instance: N): Unit

Indicates that instance should be inserted as a child of current at index. An applier should insert the node into the tree either in insertTopDown or insertBottomUp, not both. See the description of insertTopDown to which describes when to implement insertTopDown and when to use insertBottomUp.


fun insertTopDown(index: Int, instance: N): Unit

Indicates that instance should be inserted as a child to current at index. An applier should insert the node into the tree either in insertTopDown or insertBottomUp, not both.

The insertTopDown method is called before the children of instance have been created and inserted into it. insertBottomUp is called after all children have been created and inserted.

Some trees are faster to build top-down, in which case the insertTopDown method should be used to insert the instance. Other trees are faster to build bottom-up in which case insertBottomUp should be used.

To give example of building a tree top-down vs. bottom-up consider the following tree,

/ \

where the node B is being inserted into the tree at R. Top-down building of the tree first inserts B into R, then inserts A into B followed by inserting C into B`. For example,

    1           2           3
| | |
/ / \

A bottom-up building of the tree starts with inserting A and C into B then inserts B tree into R.

    1           2           3
| / \ |
/ \

To see how building top-down vs. bottom-up can differ significantly in performance consider a tree where whenever a child is added to the tree all parent nodes, up to the root, are notified of the new child entering the tree. If the tree is built top-down,

  1. R is notified of B entering.

  2. B is notified of A entering, R is notified of A entering.

  3. B is notified of C entering, R is notified of C entering.

for a total of 5 notifications. The number of notifications grows exponentially with the number of inserts.

For bottom-up, the notifications are,

  1. B is notified A entering.

  2. B is notified C entering.

  3. R is notified B entering.

The notifications are linear to the number of nodes inserted.

If, on the other hand, all children are notified when the parent enters a tree, then the notifications are, for top-down,

  1. B is notified it is entering R.

  2. A is notified it is entering B.

  3. C is notified it is entering B.

which is linear to the number of nodes inserted.

For bottom-up, the notifications look like,

  1. A is notified it is entering B.

  2. C is notified it is entering B.

  3. B is notified it is entering R, A is notified it is entering R, C is notified it is entering R.

    which exponential to the number of nodes inserted.


fun move(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int): Unit

Indicates that count children of current should be moved from index from to index to.

The to index is relative to the position before the change, so, for example, to move an element at position 1 to after the element at position 2, from should be 1 and to should be 3. If the elements were A B C D E, calling move(1, 3, 1) would result in the elements being reordered to A C B D E.


open fun onBeginChanges(): Unit

Called when the Composer is about to begin applying changes using this applier. onEndChanges will be called when changes are complete.


open fun onEndChanges(): Unit

Called when the Composer is finished applying changes using this applier. A call to onBeginChanges will always precede a call to onEndChanges.


fun remove(index: Int, count: Int): Unit

Indicates that the children of current from index to index + count should be removed.


open fun reuse(): Unit

Notify current is is being reused in reusable content.


fun up(): Unit

Indicates that the applier is getting traversed "up" the tree. After this operation completes, the current should return the "parent" of the current node at the beginning of this operation.

Public properties


val current: N

The node that operations will be applied on at any given time. It is expected that the value of this property will change as down and up are called.