
interface RemoteWatchFaceViewHost : AutoCloseable

Intended for use by watch face editors, a RemoteWatchFaceViewHost allows the watch face to send a SurfaceControlViewHost.SurfacePackage to the client, which the client can attach to a SurfaceView with SurfaceView.setChildSurfacePackage. The client can request an updated screen shot by calling renderWatchFace.

use Watch Face Format instead


Public functions

    renderParameters: RenderParameters,
    instant: Instant,
    userStyle: UserStyle?,
    idAndComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Public properties


This property is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Inherited functions

From java.lang.AutoCloseable

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Public functions


fun renderWatchFace(
    renderParameters: RenderParameters,
    instant: Instant,
    userStyle: UserStyle?,
    idAndComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?
): Unit

Renders the watchface into the view associated with surfacePackage.

renderParameters: RenderParameters

The RenderParameters to draw with.

instant: Instant

The Instant render with.

userStyle: UserStyle?

Optional UserStyle to render with, if null the current style is used.

idAndComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

Map of complication ids to ComplicationData to render with, or if null then the existing complication data if any is used.

Public properties


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
val surfacePackageSurfaceControlViewHost.SurfacePackage

The SurfaceControlViewHost.SurfacePackage the client should attach to a SurfaceView via SurfaceView.setChildSurfacePackage. The watch face will render into this view when renderWatchFace is called.