
class AsyncLayoutInflater

Helper class for inflating layouts asynchronously. To use, construct an instance of AsyncLayoutInflater on the UI thread and call inflate. The OnInflateFinishedListener will be invoked on the UI thread is no executor is passed, otherwise, it is called on the given executor.

This is intended for parts of the UI that are created lazily or in response to user interactions. This allows the UI thread to continue to be responsive &animate while the relatively heavy inflate is being performed.

For a layout to be inflated asynchronously it needs to have a parent whose generateLayoutParams is thread-safe and all the Views being constructed as part of inflation must not create any Handlers or otherwise call myLooper. If the layout that is trying to be inflated cannot be constructed asynchronously for whatever reason, AsyncLayoutInflater will automatically fall back to inflating on the UI thread.

NOTE that the inflated View hierarchy is NOT added to the parent. It is equivalent to calling inflate with attachToRoot set to false. Callers will likely want to call addView in the OnInflateFinishedListener callback at a minimum.

This inflater does not support setting a LayoutInflater.Factory nor LayoutInflater.Factory2. Similarly it does not support inflating layouts that contain fragments.


Public constructors

    context: Context,
    asyncLayoutFactory: AsyncLayoutFactory

Public functions

    resid: @LayoutRes Int,
    parent: ViewGroup?,
    callback: AsyncLayoutInflater.OnInflateFinishedListener

Triggers view inflation on background thread.

    resid: @LayoutRes Int,
    parent: ViewGroup?,
    callbackExecutor: Executor?,
    callback: AsyncLayoutInflater.OnInflateFinishedListener

Triggers inflation on a background thread.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
AsyncLayoutInflater(context: Context)


Added in 1.1.0-rc01
    context: Context,
    asyncLayoutFactory: AsyncLayoutFactory

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun inflate(
    resid: @LayoutRes Int,
    parent: ViewGroup?,
    callback: AsyncLayoutInflater.OnInflateFinishedListener
): Unit

Triggers view inflation on background thread.


Added in 1.1.0-rc01
fun inflate(
    resid: @LayoutRes Int,
    parent: ViewGroup?,
    callbackExecutor: Executor?,
    callback: AsyncLayoutInflater.OnInflateFinishedListener
): Unit

Triggers inflation on a background thread. It triggers the OnInflateFinishedListener on the given executor instead of the main thread.