class LayoutString

Static or dynamic string value for layout fields.

This can be used on layout string fields with data binding support.


Public constructors

LayoutString(staticValue: String)

Creates an instance for a static String value.

@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    staticValue: String,
    dynamicValue: DynamicBuilders.DynamicString,
    layoutConstraint: TypeBuilders.StringLayoutConstraint

Creates an instance for a DynamicString value with a static value fallback and a set of layout constraints for the dynamic value.

Public functions

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)
open Int
open String

Public properties


The dynamic value.


When dynamicValue is used, this allows correctly measuring layout Text element size and aligning text to ensure that the layout is of a known size during the layout pass regardless of the dynamicValue String.


The static value.

Public constructors


Added in 1.3.0-alpha10
LayoutString(staticValue: String)

Creates an instance for a static String value.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha10
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 200)
    staticValue: String,
    dynamicValue: DynamicBuilders.DynamicString,
    layoutConstraint: TypeBuilders.StringLayoutConstraint

Creates an instance for a DynamicString value with a static value fallback and a set of layout constraints for the dynamic value.

staticValue: String

the static value that can be used when the dynamicValue can't be resolved.

dynamicValue: DynamicBuilders.DynamicString

the dynamic value. If this value can be resolved, the staticValue won't be used.

layoutConstraint: TypeBuilders.StringLayoutConstraint

used to correctly measure layout Text element size and align text to ensure that the layout is of a known size during the layout pass regardless of the dynamicValue String.

Public functions


open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean


open fun hashCode(): Int


open fun toString(): String

Public properties


Added in 1.3.0-alpha10
val dynamicValueDynamicBuilders.DynamicString?

The dynamic value. If this can't be resolved staticValue will be used during rendering.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha10
val layoutConstraintTypeBuilders.StringLayoutConstraint?

When dynamicValue is used, this allows correctly measuring layout Text element size and aligning text to ensure that the layout is of a known size during the layout pass regardless of the dynamicValue String.


Added in 1.3.0-alpha10
val staticValueString

The static value. If dynamicValue is not null this will be used as the default value for when dynamicValue can't be resolved.