
class DisableOnAndroidDebug : TestRule

The DisableOnAndroidDebug Rule allows you to label certain rules to be disabled when debugging.

The most illustrative use case is for tests that make use of the rule, when ran in debug mode the test may terminate on timeout abruptly during debugging. Developers may disable the timeout, or increase the timeout by making a code change on tests that need debugging and remember revert the change afterwards or rules such as org.junit.rules.Timeout that may be disabled during debugging may be wrapped in a DisableOnDebug.

The important benefit of this feature is that you can disable such rules without any making any modifications to your test class to remove them during debugging.

This does nothing to tackle timeouts or time sensitive code under test when debugging and may make this less useful in such circumstances.

Example usage:

public static class DisableTimeoutOnDebugSampleTest {

    public TestRule timeout = new DisableOnAndroidDebug(new Timeout(20));

    public void myTest() {
        int i = 0;
        assertEquals(0, i); // suppose you had a break point here to inspect i


Public constructors

Wrap another TestRule and conditionally disable it when a debugger is attached.

Public functions

apply(base: Statement!, description: Description!)

Returns true if the VM has a debugger connected.

Public constructors


DisableOnAndroidDebug(rule: TestRule!)

Wrap another TestRule and conditionally disable it when a debugger is attached.

rule: TestRule!

to disable during debugging

Public functions


fun apply(base: Statement!, description: Description!): Statement!


fun isDebugging(): Boolean

Returns true if the VM has a debugger connected. This method may be used by test classes to take additional action to disable code paths that interfere with debugging if required.


true if a debugger is connected, false otherwise