
Known direct subclasses

A Modifier.Element that draws into the space of the layout.


This interface is deprecated. Use FocusEventModifierNode instead


This interface is deprecated. Use Modifier.focusProperties() instead


This interface is deprecated. Use FocusRequesterModifierNode instead


This class is deprecated. This API will create more invalidations of your modifier than necessary, so it's use is discouraged.


A Modifier.Element that changes how its wrapped content is measured and laid out.


A Modifier that can be used to consume ModifierLocals that were provided by other modifiers to the left of this modifier, or above this modifier in the layout tree.


A Modifier that can be used to provide ModifierLocals that can be read by other modifiers to the right of this modifier, or modifiers that are children of the layout node that this modifier is attached to.


A Modifier.Element which manages an instance of a particular Modifier.Node implementation.


A modifier whose onGloballyPositioned is called with the final LayoutCoordinates of the Layout when the global position of the content may have changed.


A modifier whose onPlaced is called after the parent LayoutModifier and parent layout has been placed and before child LayoutModifier is placed.


A modifier whose onRemeasured is called when the layout content is remeasured.


A Modifier that provides data to the parent Layout.


A Modifier.Element that can interact with pointer input.


A Modifier.Element that provides a Remeasurement object associated with the layout node the modifier is applied to.


A Modifier.Element that adds semantics key/value for use in testing, accessibility, and similar use cases.

Known indirect subclasses

DrawModifier implementation that supports building a cache of objects to be referenced across draw calls

A single element contained within a Modifier chain.


Public functions

open Boolean
all(predicate: (Modifier.Element) -> Boolean)

Returns true if predicate returns true for all Elements in this Modifier or if this Modifier contains no Elements.

open Boolean
any(predicate: (Modifier.Element) -> Boolean)

Returns true if predicate returns true for any Element in this Modifier.

open R
<R : Any?> foldIn(initial: R, operation: (Modifier.Element, R) -> R)

Accumulates a value starting with initial and applying operation to the current value and each element from outside in.

open R
<R : Any?> foldOut(initial: R, operation: (Modifier.Element, R) -> R)

Accumulates a value starting with initial and applying operation to the current value and each element from inside out.


Inherited functions

From androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
open infix Modifier
then(other: Modifier)

Concatenates this modifier with another.


Public functions


open fun all(predicate: (Modifier.Element) -> Boolean): Boolean

Returns true if predicate returns true for all Elements in this Modifier or if this Modifier contains no Elements.


open fun any(predicate: (Modifier.Element) -> Boolean): Boolean

Returns true if predicate returns true for any Element in this Modifier.


open fun <R : Any?> foldIn(initial: R, operation: (Modifier.Element, R) -> R): R

Accumulates a value starting with initial and applying operation to the current value and each element from outside in.

Elements wrap one another in a chain from left to right; an Element that appears to the left of another in a + expression or in operation's parameter order affects all of the elements that appear after it. foldIn may be used to accumulate a value starting from the parent or head of the modifier chain to the final wrapped child.


open fun <R : Any?> foldOut(initial: R, operation: (Modifier.Element, R) -> R): R

Accumulates a value starting with initial and applying operation to the current value and each element from inside out.

Elements wrap one another in a chain from left to right; an Element that appears to the left of another in a + expression or in operation's parameter order affects all of the elements that appear after it. foldOut may be used to accumulate a value starting from the child or tail of the modifier chain up to the parent or head of the chain.