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Material Design type scale.

The Material Design type scale includes a range of contrasting styles that support the needs of your product and its content.

The type scale is a combination of thirteen styles that are supported by the type system. It contains reusable categories of text, each with an intended application and meaning.

Typography image


Public constructors

    defaultFontFamily: FontFamily,
    h1: TextStyle,
    h2: TextStyle,
    h3: TextStyle,
    h4: TextStyle,
    h5: TextStyle,
    h6: TextStyle,
    subtitle1: TextStyle,
    subtitle2: TextStyle,
    body1: TextStyle,
    body2: TextStyle,
    button: TextStyle,
    caption: TextStyle,
    overline: TextStyle

Constructor to create a Typography.


Public functions

    h1: TextStyle,
    h2: TextStyle,
    h3: TextStyle,
    h4: TextStyle,
    h5: TextStyle,
    h6: TextStyle,
    subtitle1: TextStyle,
    subtitle2: TextStyle,
    body1: TextStyle,
    body2: TextStyle,
    button: TextStyle,
    caption: TextStyle,
    overline: TextStyle

Returns a copy of this Typography, optionally overriding some of the values.

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)
open Int
open String

Public properties


body1 is the largest body, and is typically used for long-form writing as it works well for small text sizes.


body2 is the smallest body, and is typically used for long-form writing as it works well for small text sizes.


button text is a call to action used in different types of buttons (such as text, outlined and contained buttons) and in tabs, dialogs, and cards.


caption is one of the smallest font sizes.


h1 is the largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.


h2 is the second largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.


h3 is the third largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.


h4 is the fourth largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.


h5 is the fifth largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.


h6 is the sixth largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.


overline is one of the smallest font sizes.


subtitle1 is the largest subtitle, and is typically reserved for medium-emphasis text that is shorter in length.


subtitle2 is the smallest subtitle, and is typically reserved for medium-emphasis text that is shorter in length.


Public constructors


    defaultFontFamily: FontFamily = FontFamily.Default,
    h1: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Light, fontSize = 96.sp, lineHeight = 112.sp, letterSpacing = (-1.5).sp ),
    h2: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Light, fontSize = 60.sp, lineHeight = 72.sp, letterSpacing = (-0.5).sp ),
    h3: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 48.sp, lineHeight = 56.sp, letterSpacing = 0.sp ),
    h4: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 34.sp, lineHeight = 36.sp, letterSpacing = 0.25.sp ),
    h5: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 24.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.sp ),
    h6: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 20.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.15.sp ),
    subtitle1: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 16.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.15.sp ),
    subtitle2: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 14.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.1.sp ),
    body1: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 16.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.5.sp ),
    body2: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 14.sp, lineHeight = 20.sp, letterSpacing = 0.25.sp ),
    button: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 14.sp, lineHeight = 16.sp, letterSpacing = 1.25.sp ),
    caption: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 12.sp, lineHeight = 16.sp, letterSpacing = 0.4.sp ),
    overline: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 10.sp, lineHeight = 16.sp, letterSpacing = 1.5.sp )

Constructor to create a Typography. For information on the types of style defined in this constructor, see the property documentation for Typography.

defaultFontFamily: FontFamily = FontFamily.Default

the default FontFamily to be used for TextStyles provided in this constructor. This default will be used if the FontFamily on the TextStyle is null.

h1: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Light, fontSize = 96.sp, lineHeight = 112.sp, letterSpacing = (-1.5).sp )

h1 is the largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.

h2: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Light, fontSize = 60.sp, lineHeight = 72.sp, letterSpacing = (-0.5).sp )

h2 is the second largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.

h3: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 48.sp, lineHeight = 56.sp, letterSpacing = 0.sp )

h3 is the third largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.

h4: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 34.sp, lineHeight = 36.sp, letterSpacing = 0.25.sp )

h4 is the fourth largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.

h5: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 24.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.sp )

h5 is the fifth largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.

h6: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 20.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.15.sp )

h6 is the sixth largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals.

subtitle1: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 16.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.15.sp )

subtitle1 is the largest subtitle, and is typically reserved for medium-emphasis text that is shorter in length.

subtitle2: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 14.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.1.sp )

subtitle2 is the smallest subtitle, and is typically reserved for medium-emphasis text that is shorter in length.

body1: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 16.sp, lineHeight = 24.sp, letterSpacing = 0.5.sp )

body1 is the largest body, and is typically used for long-form writing as it works well for small text sizes.

body2: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 14.sp, lineHeight = 20.sp, letterSpacing = 0.25.sp )

body2 is the smallest body, and is typically used for long-form writing as it works well for small text sizes.

button: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 14.sp, lineHeight = 16.sp, letterSpacing = 1.25.sp )

button text is a call to action used in different types of buttons (such as text, outlined and contained buttons) and in tabs, dialogs, and cards.

caption: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 12.sp, lineHeight = 16.sp, letterSpacing = 0.4.sp )

caption is one of the smallest font sizes. It is used sparingly to annotate imagery or to introduce a headline.

overline: TextStyle = DefaultTextStyle.copy( fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 10.sp, lineHeight = 16.sp, letterSpacing = 1.5.sp )

overline is one of the smallest font sizes. It is used sparingly to annotate imagery or to introduce a headline.

Public functions


fun copy(
    h1: TextStyle = this.h1,
    h2: TextStyle = this.h2,
    h3: TextStyle = this.h3,
    h4: TextStyle = this.h4,
    h5: TextStyle = this.h5,
    h6: TextStyle = this.h6,
    subtitle1: TextStyle = this.subtitle1,
    subtitle2: TextStyle = this.subtitle2,
    body1: TextStyle = this.body1,
    body2: TextStyle = this.body2,
    button: TextStyle = this.button,
    caption: TextStyle = this.caption,
    overline: TextStyle = this.overline
): Typography

Returns a copy of this Typography, optionally overriding some of the values.


open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean


open fun hashCode(): Int


open fun toString(): String

Public properties


val body1TextStyle

body1 is the largest body, and is typically used for long-form writing as it works well for small text sizes. For longer sections of text, a serif or sans serif typeface is recommended.


val body2TextStyle

body2 is the smallest body, and is typically used for long-form writing as it works well for small text sizes. For longer sections of text, a serif or sans serif typeface is recommended.


val buttonTextStyle

button text is a call to action used in different types of buttons (such as text, outlined and contained buttons) and in tabs, dialogs, and cards. Button text is typically sans serif, using all caps text.


val captionTextStyle

caption is one of the smallest font sizes. It is used sparingly to annotate imagery or to introduce a headline.


val h1TextStyle

h1 is the largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals. For headlines, you can choose an expressive font, such as a display, handwritten, or script style. These unconventional font designs have details and intricacy that help attract the eye.


val h2TextStyle

h2 is the second largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals. For headlines, you can choose an expressive font, such as a display, handwritten, or script style. These unconventional font designs have details and intricacy that help attract the eye.


val h3TextStyle

h3 is the third largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals. For headlines, you can choose an expressive font, such as a display, handwritten, or script style. These unconventional font designs have details and intricacy that help attract the eye.


val h4TextStyle

h4 is the fourth largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals. For headlines, you can choose an expressive font, such as a display, handwritten, or script style. These unconventional font designs have details and intricacy that help attract the eye.


val h5TextStyle

h5 is the fifth largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals. For headlines, you can choose an expressive font, such as a display, handwritten, or script style. These unconventional font designs have details and intricacy that help attract the eye.


val h6TextStyle

h6 is the sixth largest headline, reserved for short, important text or numerals. For headlines, you can choose an expressive font, such as a display, handwritten, or script style. These unconventional font designs have details and intricacy that help attract the eye.


val overlineTextStyle

overline is one of the smallest font sizes. It is used sparingly to annotate imagery or to introduce a headline.


val subtitle1TextStyle

subtitle1 is the largest subtitle, and is typically reserved for medium-emphasis text that is shorter in length. Serif or sans serif typefaces work well for subtitles.


val subtitle2TextStyle

subtitle2 is the smallest subtitle, and is typically reserved for medium-emphasis text that is shorter in length. Serif or sans serif typefaces work well for subtitles.