
class MediaButtonReceiver : BroadcastReceiver

A media button receiver receives and helps translate hardware media playback buttons, such as those found on wired and wireless headsets, into the appropriate callbacks in your app.

You can add this MediaButtonReceiver to your app by adding it directly to your AndroidManifest.xml:
<receiver android:name="" >
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON" />
This class assumes you have a Service in your app that controls media playback via a MediaSessionCompat. Once a key event is received by MediaButtonReceiver, this class tries to find a Service that can handle ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON, and a MediaBrowserServiceCompat in turn. If an appropriate service is found, this class forwards the key event to the service. If neither is available or more than one valid service/media browser service is found, an IllegalStateException will be thrown. Thus, your app should have one of the following services to get a key event properly. Service Handling ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON A service can receive a key event by including an intent filter that handles ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON:
<service android:name="" >
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON" />
Events can then be handled in onStartCommand by calling handleIntent, passing in your current MediaSessionCompat:
private MediaSessionCompat mMediaSessionCompat = ...;

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
  MediaButtonReceiver.handleIntent(mMediaSessionCompat, intent);
  return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
This ensures that the correct callbacks to MediaSessionCompat.Callback will be triggered based on the incoming KeyEvent.

Note: Once the service is started, it must start to run in the foreground.

MediaBrowserService If you already have a MediaBrowserServiceCompat in your app, MediaButtonReceiver will deliver the received key events to the MediaBrowserServiceCompat by default. You can handle them in your MediaSessionCompat.Callback.


Public constructors

Public functions

java-static PendingIntent!

Creates a broadcast pending intent that will send a media button event.

java-static PendingIntent!
    context: Context!,
    mbrComponent: ComponentName!,
    action: Long

Creates a broadcast pending intent that will send a media button event.

java-static KeyEvent!
handleIntent(mediaSessionCompat: MediaSessionCompat!, intent: Intent!)

Extracts any available KeyEvent from an ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON intent, passing it onto the MediaSessionCompat using dispatchMediaButtonEvent, which in turn will trigger callbacks to the MediaSessionCompat.Callback registered via setCallback.

onReceive(context: Context!, intent: Intent!)

Protected functions


This method is called when an exception is thrown when calling startForegroundService as a result of receiving a media button event.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0

Public functions


Added in 1.1.0
java-static fun buildMediaButtonPendingIntent(context: Context!, action: Long): PendingIntent!

Creates a broadcast pending intent that will send a media button event. The action will be translated to the appropriate KeyEvent, and it will be sent to the registered media button receiver in the given context. The action should be one of the following:

context: Context!

The context of the application.

action: Long

The action to be sent via the pending intent.


Created pending intent, or null if cannot find a unique registered media button receiver or if the action is unsupported/invalid.


Added in 1.1.0
java-static fun buildMediaButtonPendingIntent(
    context: Context!,
    mbrComponent: ComponentName!,
    action: Long
): PendingIntent!

Creates a broadcast pending intent that will send a media button event. The action will be translated to the appropriate KeyEvent, and sent to the provided media button receiver via the pending intent. The action should be one of the following:

context: Context!

The context of the application.

mbrComponent: ComponentName!

The full component name of a media button receiver where you want to send this intent.

action: Long

The action to be sent via the pending intent.


Created pending intent, or null if the given component name is null or the action is unsupported/invalid.


Added in 1.1.0
java-static fun handleIntent(mediaSessionCompat: MediaSessionCompat!, intent: Intent!): KeyEvent!

Extracts any available KeyEvent from an ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON intent, passing it onto the MediaSessionCompat using dispatchMediaButtonEvent, which in turn will trigger callbacks to the MediaSessionCompat.Callback registered via setCallback.

mediaSessionCompat: MediaSessionCompat!

A MediaSessionCompat that has a MediaSessionCompat.Callback set.

intent: Intent!

The intent to parse.


The extracted KeyEvent if found, or null.


Added in 1.1.0
fun onReceive(context: Context!, intent: Intent!): Unit

Protected functions


Added in 1.7.0
@RequiresApi(value = 31)
protected fun onForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException(
    intent: Intent,
    e: ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException
): Unit

This method is called when an exception is thrown when calling startForegroundService as a result of receiving a media button event.

By default, this method only logs the exception and it can be safely overridden. Apps that find that such a media button event has been legitimately sent, may choose to override this method and take the opportunity to post a notification from where the user journey can continue.

This exception can be thrown if a broadcast media button event is received and a media service is found in the manifest that is registered to handle ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON. If this happens on API 31+ and the app is in the background then an exception is thrown.

Normally, a media button intent should only be required to be sent by the system in case of a Bluetooth media button event that wants to restart the app. However, in such a case the app gets an exemption and is allowed to start the foreground service. In this case this method will never be called.

In all other cases, apps should use a media browser to bind to and start the service instead of broadcasting an intent.

intent: Intent

The intent that was used for starting the foreground service.

e: ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException

The exception thrown by the system and caught by this broadcast receiver.