
class ListBuilderDsl : ListBuilder

Helper class annotated with @SliceMarker, which is annotated with @DslMarker. Two implicit receivers that are annotated with @SliceMarker are not accessible in the same scope, ensuring a type-safe DSL.


Public constructors

ListBuilderDsl(context: Context, uri: Uri, ttl: Long)

Extension functions

inline ListBuilder
inline ListBuilder
inline ListBuilder
inline ListBuilder
inline ListBuilder
inline ListBuilder

Inherited functions

open ListBuilder

Adds an action to this list builder.

open ListBuilder

Add a grid row to the list builder.

open ListBuilder

Add an input range row to the list builder.

open ListBuilder

Add a range row to the list builder.

open ListBuilder

Add an star rating row to the list builder.

open ListBuilder

Add a row to the list builder.

open ListBuilder
addSelection(selectionBuilder: SelectionBuilder)

Add a selection row to the list builder.

open Slice

Construct the slice.

open ListBuilder

Sets the color to use on tintable items within the list builder.

open ListBuilder

Sets a header for this list builder.

open ListBuilder

Sets additional information to be passed to the host of the slice.

open ListBuilder
setIsError(isError: Boolean)

Sets whether this slice indicates an error, i.e. the normal contents of this slice are unavailable and instead the slice contains a message indicating an error.

open ListBuilder

Sets keywords to associate with this slice.

open ListBuilder
setLayoutDirection(layoutDirection: Int)

Sets the desired layout direction for this slice.

open ListBuilder

If all content in a slice cannot be shown, a "see more" affordance may be displayed where the content is cut off.

open ListBuilder

If all content in a slice cannot be shown, a "see more" affordance may be displayed where the content is cut off.

open ListBuilder

If all content in a slice cannot be shown, the row added here may be displayed where the content is cut off.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0-alpha08
ListBuilderDsl(context: Context, uri: Uri, ttl: Long)

Extension functions

inline fun ListBuilderDsl.header(buildHeader: HeaderBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): ListBuilder
See also
inline fun ListBuilderDsl.inputRange(buildInputRange: InputRangeBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): ListBuilder
See also
inline fun ListBuilderDsl.range(buildRange: RangeBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): ListBuilder
See also
inline fun ListBuilderDsl.row(buildRow: RowBuilderDsl.() -> Unit): ListBuilder
See also