
class TrustedWebUtils

Class for utilities and convenience calls for opening a qualifying web page as a Trusted Web Activity. Trusted Web Activity is a fullscreen UI with no visible browser controls that hosts web pages meeting certain criteria. The full list of qualifications is at the implementing browser's discretion, but minimum recommended set is for the web page :

  • To have declared delegate_permission/common.handle_all_urls relationship with the launching client application ensuring 1:1 trust between the Android native and web components. See for details.
  • To work as a reliable, fast and engaging standalone component within the launching app's flow.
  • To be accessible and operable even when offline.
Fallback behaviors may also differ with implementation. Possibilities are launching the page in a custom tab, or showing it in browser UI. Browsers are encouraged to use onRelationshipValidationResult for sending details of the verification results.



const String!

Boolean extra that triggers a CustomTabsIntent launch to be in a fullscreen UI with no browser controls.

Public functions

java-static Boolean
    context: Context,
    packageName: String,
    version: String

Returns whether the splash screens feature is supported by the given package.

java-static Unit
    context: Context,
    customTabsIntent: CustomTabsIntent,
    uri: Uri

This function is deprecated.

Use TrustedWebActivityIntentBuilder instead.

java-static Boolean
    context: Context,
    file: File,
    fileProviderAuthority: String,
    packageName: String,
    session: CustomTabsSession

Transfers the splash image to a Custom Tabs provider.



Added in 1.2.0

Boolean extra that triggers a CustomTabsIntent launch to be in a fullscreen UI with no browser controls.

Public functions


Added in 1.2.0
java-static fun areSplashScreensSupported(
    context: Context,
    packageName: String,
    version: String
): Boolean

Returns whether the splash screens feature is supported by the given package. Note: you can call this method prior to connecting to a CustomTabsService. This way, if true is returned, the splash screen can be shown as soon as possible.

context: Context

Context to use.

packageName: String

The package name of the Custom Tabs provider to check.

version: String

The splash screen version/feature you are testing for support. Use a value from androidx.browser.trusted.splashscreens.SplashScreenVersion.


Whether the specified Custom Tabs provider supports the specified splash screen feature/version.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.2.0
java-static fun launchAsTrustedWebActivity(
    context: Context,
    customTabsIntent: CustomTabsIntent,
    uri: Uri
): Unit

Launch the given CustomTabsIntent as a Trusted Web Activity. The given CustomTabsIntent should have a valid CustomTabsSession associated with it during construction. Once the Trusted Web Activity is launched, browser side implementations may have their own fallback behavior (e.g. Showing the page in a custom tab UI with toolbar) based on qualifications listed above or more.

context: Context

Context to use while launching the CustomTabsIntent.

customTabsIntent: CustomTabsIntent

The CustomTabsIntent to use for launching the Trusted Web Activity. Note that all customizations in the given associated with browser toolbar controls will be ignored.

uri: Uri

The web page to launch as Trusted Web Activity.


Added in 1.2.0
java-static fun transferSplashImage(
    context: Context,
    file: File,
    fileProviderAuthority: String,
    packageName: String,
    session: CustomTabsSession
): Boolean

Transfers the splash image to a Custom Tabs provider. The reading and decoding of the image happens synchronously, so it's recommended to call this method on a worker thread. This method should be called prior to launching the Activity. Pass additional parameters, such as background color, using setSplashScreenParams.

context: Context

Context to use.

file: File

File with the image.

fileProviderAuthority: String

authority of FileProvider used to generate an URI for the file.

packageName: String

Package name of Custom Tabs provider.

session: CustomTabsSession

CustomTabsSession established with the Custom Tabs provider.


True if the image was received and processed successfully.