
class Recorder.Builder

Builder class for Recorder objects.


Public constructors

Constructor for Recorder.Builder.

Public functions


Builds the Recorder instance.

setAspectRatio(aspectRatio: Int)

Sets the video aspect ratio of this Recorder.

setExecutor(executor: Executor)

Sets the Executor that runs the Recorder background task.


Sets the QualitySelector of this Recorder.


Sets the intended video encoding bitrate for recording.

setVideoCapabilitiesSource(videoCapabilitiesSource: Int)

Sets the video capabilities source.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0

Constructor for Recorder.Builder.

Creates a builder which is pre-populated with appropriate default configuration options.

Public functions


Added in 1.1.0
fun build(): Recorder

Builds the Recorder instance.

The {code build()} method can be called multiple times, generating a new Recorder instance each time. The returned instance is configured with the options set on this builder.


Added in 1.3.0
fun setAspectRatio(aspectRatio: Int): Recorder.Builder

Sets the video aspect ratio of this Recorder.

The final video resolution will be based on the input aspect ratio and the QualitySelector in setQualitySelector. Both settings will be respected. For example, if the aspect ratio is 4:3 and the preferred quality in QualitySelector is HD, then a HD quality resolution with 4:3 aspect ratio such as 1280x960 or 960x720 will be used. CameraX will choose an appropriate one depending on the resolutions supported by the camera and the codec capabilities. With this setting, no other aspect ratios (such as 16:9) will be used, nor any other qualities (such as UHD, FHD and SD). If no resolution with the settings can be found, it will fail to bind VideoCapture. Therefore, a recommended way is to provide a flexible QualitySelector if there is no specific video quality requirement, such as the setting in DEFAULT_QUALITY_SELECTOR.

The default value is RATIO_DEFAULT. If no aspect ratio is set, the selected resolution will be based only on the QualitySelector.

aspectRatio: Int

the aspect ratio. Possible values are RATIO_4_3 and RATIO_16_9.


Added in 1.1.0
fun setExecutor(executor: Executor): Recorder.Builder

Sets the Executor that runs the Recorder background task.

The executor is used to run the Recorder tasks, the audio encoding and the video encoding. For the best performance, it's recommended to be an Executor that is capable of running at least two tasks concurrently, such as a java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor backed by 2 or more threads.

If not set, the Recorder will be run on the IO executor internally managed by CameraX.


Added in 1.1.0
fun setQualitySelector(qualitySelector: QualitySelector): Recorder.Builder

Sets the QualitySelector of this Recorder.

The provided quality selector is used to select the resolution of the recording depending on the resolutions supported by the camera and codec capabilities.

If no quality selector is provided, the default is DEFAULT_QUALITY_SELECTOR.

setAspectRatio can be used with to specify the intended video aspect ratio.


Added in 1.3.0
fun setTargetVideoEncodingBitRate(bitrate: @IntRange(from = 1) Int): Recorder.Builder

Sets the intended video encoding bitrate for recording.

The target video encoding bitrate attempts to keep the actual video encoding bitrate close to the requested bitrate. Bitrate may vary during a recording depending on the scene being recorded.

Additional checks will be performed on the requested bitrate to make sure the specified bitrate is applicable, and sometimes the passed bitrate will be changed internally to ensure the video recording can proceed smoothly based on the capabilities of the platform.

This API only affects the video stream and should not be considered the target for the entire recording. The audio stream's bitrate is not affected by this API.

If this method isn't called, an appropriate bitrate for normal video recording is selected by default. Only call this method if a custom bitrate is desired.

bitrate: @IntRange(from = 1) Int

the target video encoding bitrate in bits per second.


if bitrate is 0 or less.


Added in 1.4.0
fun setVideoCapabilitiesSource(videoCapabilitiesSource: Int): Recorder.Builder

Sets the video capabilities source.

Possible values include VIDEO_CAPABILITIES_SOURCE_CAMCORDER_PROFILE and VIDEO_CAPABILITIES_SOURCE_CODEC_CAPABILITIES. The final selected quality from the QualitySelector will be affected by the source. See the document of the constants for more detail.


videoCapabilitiesSource: Int

the video capabilities source.


the builder instance.


if videoCapabilitiesSource is not one of the possible values.