
Note: As of July 10, 2024, watch faces must use the Watch Face Format in order to be installed on new watches that launch with Wear OS 5 pre-installed. Learn more about the user-facing changes in this Help Center article.

Additionally, starting in early 2025 (specific date to be announced during Q4 2024), all new watch faces published on Google Play must use the Watch Face Format.

interface CanvasComplicationFactory

Factory for creating a CanvasComplication. This decouples construction of Complications and their CanvasComplication renderers.


Public functions

    watchState: WatchState,
    invalidateCallback: CanvasComplication.InvalidateCallback

Creates a CanvasComplication.

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun create(
    watchState: WatchState,
    invalidateCallback: CanvasComplication.InvalidateCallback
): CanvasComplication

Creates a CanvasComplication. This will be called on a background thread, however all CanvasComplication rendering will be done on the UI thread and there's a memory barrier between construction and usage so no special threading primitives are required. If the CanvasComplication needs to share state with the Renderer then it should override onRendererCreated.

watchState: WatchState

The current WatchState

invalidateCallback: CanvasComplication.InvalidateCallback

The CanvasComplication.InvalidateCallback the constructed CanvasComplication can use to request redrawing. This is typically used in conjunction with asynchronous loading of Drawables to update the watch face once the drawable has loaded.


The constructed CanvasComplication.