
@Retention(value = AnnotationRetention.RUNTIME)
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation PrivacySandboxService

Entry point for an SDK service running in the Privacy Sandbox.

There must be exactly one interface annotated with @PrivacySandboxService in your SDK module. This will be the first point of communication once the app has successfully loaded your SDK in the Privacy Sandbox.

On the SDK side, the tools will generate a class called AbstractSandboxedSdkProviderCompat, containing an abstract factory method to create this service. This must be implemented by SDK developers, returning an implementation of the PrivacySandboxService annotated interface. This implementation should then be named in the SDK's build.gradle as the compatSdkProviderClassName.

For example:

package com.example.mysdk

MySdkSandboxedSdkProvider : AbstractSandboxedSdkProviderCompat() {
override fun createMySdk(context: Context): MySdk = MySdkImpl(context)

On the app side, the tools will generate a factory class for the service containing a static function (prefixed with "wrapTo") which should be used to convert an IBinder to the PrivacySandboxService annotated interface.

For example:

val sandboxManagerCompat = SdkSandboxManagerCompat.from(this)
val sandboxedSdk = sandboxManagerCompat.loadSdk("com.example.mysdk", Bundle.EMPTY)
val mySdk = MySdkFactory.wrapToMySdk(sandboxedSdk.getInterface()!!)

Like PrivacySandboxInterface, interfaces annotated with PrivacySandboxService have restrictions on allowed methods and types. See PrivacySandboxInterface documentation for details.


Public constructors

Public constructors

