
class BeginGetCredentialResponse

Response from a credential provider to BeginGetCredentialRequest, containing credential entries and other associated entries/data to be shown on the account selector UI.


Public companion functions


Helper method to convert the class to a parcelable Bundle, in case the class instance needs to be sent across a process.

fromBundle(bundle: Bundle)

Helper method to convert a Bundle retrieved through asBundle, back to an instance of BeginGetCredentialResponse.

Public constructors

    credentialEntries: List<CredentialEntry>,
    actions: List<Action>,
    authenticationActions: List<AuthenticationAction>,
    remoteEntry: RemoteEntry?

constructs an instance of BeginGetCredentialResponse

Public properties


the list of action entries to be shown on the selector UI, whereby each entry is set to provide an action that the user can perform before retrieving the credential, e.g. selecting a credential from a provider UI


the list of authentication actions to be shown on the selector UI, whereby each entry is set to denote an account/group that is currently locked and cannot return any credentials, allowing the user to select one of these entries and unlock another set of credentials


the list of credential entries to be shown on the selector UI, whereby each entry is set to provide a potential credential corresponding to a given BeginGetCredentialOption from the original BeginGetCredentialRequest


the entry that is set to allow retrieving a credential from another device

Public companion functions


Added in 1.2.0
fun asBundle(response: BeginGetCredentialResponse): Bundle

Helper method to convert the class to a parcelable Bundle, in case the class instance needs to be sent across a process. Consumers of this method should use fromBundle to reconstruct the class instance back from the bundle returned here.


Added in 1.2.0
fun fromBundle(bundle: Bundle): BeginGetCredentialResponse?

Helper method to convert a Bundle retrieved through asBundle, back to an instance of BeginGetCredentialResponse.

Public constructors


    credentialEntries: List<CredentialEntry> = listOf(),
    actions: List<Action> = listOf(),
    authenticationActions: List<AuthenticationAction> = listOf(),
    remoteEntry: RemoteEntry? = null

constructs an instance of BeginGetCredentialResponse

credentialEntries: List<CredentialEntry> = listOf()

the list of credential entries to be shown on the selector UI, whereby each entry is set to provide a potential credential corresponding to a given BeginGetCredentialOption from the original BeginGetCredentialRequest

actions: List<Action> = listOf()

the list of action entries to be shown on the selector UI, whereby each entry is set to provide an action that the user can perform before retrieving the credential, e.g. selecting a credential from a provider UI

authenticationActions: List<AuthenticationAction> = listOf()

the list of authentication actions to be shown on the selector UI, whereby each entry is set to denote an account/group that is currently locked and cannot return any credentials, allowing the user to select one of these entries and unlock another set of credentials

remoteEntry: RemoteEntry? = null

the entry that is set to allow retrieving a credential from another device

Public properties


Added in 1.2.0
val actionsList<Action>

the list of action entries to be shown on the selector UI, whereby each entry is set to provide an action that the user can perform before retrieving the credential, e.g. selecting a credential from a provider UI


Added in 1.2.0
val authenticationActionsList<AuthenticationAction>

the list of authentication actions to be shown on the selector UI, whereby each entry is set to denote an account/group that is currently locked and cannot return any credentials, allowing the user to select one of these entries and unlock another set of credentials


Added in 1.2.0
val credentialEntriesList<CredentialEntry>

the list of credential entries to be shown on the selector UI, whereby each entry is set to provide a potential credential corresponding to a given BeginGetCredentialOption from the original BeginGetCredentialRequest


Added in 1.2.0
val remoteEntryRemoteEntry?

the entry that is set to allow retrieving a credential from another device