
class SplitAttributes

Attributes that describe how the parent window (typically the activity task window) is split between the primary and secondary activity containers, including:

  • Split type — Categorizes the split and specifies the sizes of the primary and secondary activity containers relative to the parent bounds

  • Layout direction — Specifies whether the parent window is split vertically or horizontally and in which direction the primary and secondary containers are respectively positioned (left to right, right to left, top to bottom, and so forth)

  • Animation background color — The color of the background during animation of the split involving this SplitAttributes object if the animation requires a background

Attributes can be configured by:


Nested types

Builder for creating an instance of SplitAttributes.

The layout direction of the primary and secondary activity containers.

The type of parent window split, which defines the proportion of the parent window occupied by the primary and secondary activity containers.

Public functions

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)

Determines whether this object has the same split attributes as the compared object.

open Int

Returns a hash code for this SplitAttributes object.

open String

A string representation of this SplitAttributes object.

Public properties


The layout direction attribute for the parent window split.


The split type attribute.

Public functions


open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Determines whether this object has the same split attributes as the compared object.

other: Any?

The object to compare to this object.


True if the objects have the same split attributes, false otherwise.


open fun hashCode(): Int

Returns a hash code for this SplitAttributes object.


The hash code for this object.


open fun toString(): String

A string representation of this SplitAttributes object.


The string representation of the object.

Public properties


Added in 1.1.0
val layoutDirectionSplitAttributes.LayoutDirection

The layout direction attribute for the parent window split. The default is based on locale.


Added in 1.1.0
val splitTypeSplitAttributes.SplitType

The split type attribute. Defaults to an equal split of the parent window for the primary and secondary containers.