
class ProfileInstallReceiver : BroadcastReceiver

The android.content.BroadcastReceiver which forces a synchronous installation of the baseline profile. This is primarily used by tools to force a synchronous install of the baseline profile without starting the application's main activity. It is not expected for this receiver to be used at runtime by anything other than tools, and as such, the action filter is defined with the "dump" permission.



const String

This is an action that triggers actions required for stable benchmarking from an external tool on user builds, such as clearing the code cache, or triggering garbage collection.

const String
ACTION_INSTALL_PROFILE = "androidx.profileinstaller.action.INSTALL_PROFILE"

This is the action constant that this broadcast receiver responds to and installs a profile.

const String
ACTION_SAVE_PROFILE = "androidx.profileinstaller.action.SAVE_PROFILE"

This is the action constant for saving the current in-memory hot method data to a profile on disk.

const String
ACTION_SKIP_FILE = "androidx.profileinstaller.action.SKIP_FILE"

This is an action constant which requests that ProfileInstaller manipulate the skip file used during profile installation.

Public constructors

Public functions

onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent?)



Added in 1.3.0
const val ACTION_BENCHMARK_OPERATION = "androidx.profileinstaller.action.BENCHMARK_OPERATION": String

This is an action that triggers actions required for stable benchmarking from an external tool on user builds, such as clearing the code cache, or triggering garbage collection.


Added in 1.0.0
const val ACTION_INSTALL_PROFILE = "androidx.profileinstaller.action.INSTALL_PROFILE": String

This is the action constant that this broadcast receiver responds to and installs a profile.


Added in 1.3.0
const val ACTION_SAVE_PROFILE = "androidx.profileinstaller.action.SAVE_PROFILE": String

This is the action constant for saving the current in-memory hot method data to a profile on disk. This is to be used with compilation:

cmd package compile -f -m speed-profile myPackageName

And with profile extraction (API33+):

pm dump-profiles --dump-classes-and-methods


Added in 1.2.0
const val ACTION_SKIP_FILE = "androidx.profileinstaller.action.SKIP_FILE": String

This is an action constant which requests that ProfileInstaller manipulate the skip file used during profile installation. This is only useful when the app is being instrumented when using Jetpack Macrobenchmarks.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
fun onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent?): Unit