
Insert package level documentation here



Holder for the fragment state.

Top-level functions summary

inline Unit
<T : Fragment> AndroidFragment(
    modifier: Modifier,
    fragmentState: FragmentState,
    arguments: Bundle,
    noinline onUpdate: (T) -> Unit

Allows for adding a Fragment directly into Compose.

<T : Fragment> AndroidFragment(
    clazz: Class<T>,
    modifier: Modifier,
    fragmentState: FragmentState,
    arguments: Bundle,
    onUpdate: (T) -> Unit

Allows for adding a Fragment directly into Compose.


Creates a FragmentState used to store the state of a Fragment that is created via AndroidFragment.

Extension functions summary

<Error class: unknown class>
Fragment.content(content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Wrapper function that handles the setup for creating a custom Fragment that hosts Compose content.

Top-level functions

inline fun <T : Fragment> AndroidFragment(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    fragmentState: FragmentState = rememberFragmentState(),
    arguments: Bundle = Bundle.EMPTY,
    noinline onUpdate: (T) -> Unit = { }
): Unit

Allows for adding a Fragment directly into Compose. It creates a fragment of the given class and adds it to the fragment manager.

Updating the clazz or fragmentState parameters will result in a new fragment instance being added to the fragment manager and invoke the onUpdate callback with the new instance.

import androidx.core.os.bundleOf
import androidx.fragment.compose.AndroidFragment
import androidx.fragment.compose.rememberFragmentState

val fragmentState = rememberFragmentState()
val args = bundleOf("myarg" to "arguments")
AndroidFragment<MyFragment>(fragmentState = fragmentState, arguments = args)
modifier: Modifier = Modifier

the modifier to be applied to the layout

fragmentState: FragmentState = rememberFragmentState()

the savedState of the fragment

arguments: Bundle = Bundle.EMPTY

args to be passed to the fragment

noinline onUpdate: (T) -> Unit = { }

callback that provides the created fragment


fun <T : Fragment> AndroidFragment(
    clazz: Class<T>,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    fragmentState: FragmentState = rememberFragmentState(),
    arguments: Bundle = Bundle.EMPTY,
    onUpdate: (T) -> Unit = { }
): Unit

Allows for adding a Fragment directly into Compose. It creates a fragment of the given class and adds it to the fragment manager.

Updating the clazz or fragmentState parameters will result in a new fragment instance being added to the fragment manager and invoke the onUpdate callback with the new instance.

import androidx.core.os.bundleOf
import androidx.fragment.compose.AndroidFragment
import androidx.fragment.compose.rememberFragmentState

val fragmentState = rememberFragmentState()
val args = bundleOf("myarg" to "arguments")
AndroidFragment<MyFragment>(fragmentState = fragmentState, arguments = args)
clazz: Class<T>

fragment class to be created

modifier: Modifier = Modifier

the modifier to be applied to the layout

fragmentState: FragmentState = rememberFragmentState()

the savedState of the fragment

arguments: Bundle = Bundle.EMPTY

args to be passed to the fragment

onUpdate: (T) -> Unit = { }

callback that provides the created fragment


fun rememberFragmentState(): FragmentState

Creates a FragmentState used to store the state of a Fragment that is created via AndroidFragment.

Extension functions

fun Fragment.content(content: @Composable () -> Unit): <Error class: unknown class>

Wrapper function that handles the setup for creating a custom Fragment that hosts Compose content. It automatically sets the ViewCompositionStrategy to ViewCompositionStrategy.DisposeOnViewTreeLifecycleDestroyed.

It should be used as part of the implementation of Fragment.onCreateView and requires a context meaning the fragment must be attached to a FragmentManager.

class ExampleFragment : Fragment() {
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
) = content {
val viewModel: ExampleViewModel = viewModel()
// put your @Composable content here

Jetpack Compose is Android's recommended modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android. Quickly bring your app to life with less code, powerful tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs.

Updated Mar 4, 2025