
Known direct subclasses

An Alignment.Horizontal specified by bias: for example, a bias of -1 represents alignment to the left, a bias of 0 will represent centering, and a bias of 1 will represent right.


An Alignment.Horizontal specified by bias: for example, a bias of -1 represents alignment to the start, a bias of 0 will represent centering, and a bias of 1 will represent end.

An interface to calculate the position of box of a certain width inside an available width. Alignment.Horizontal is often used to define the horizontal alignment of a layout inside a parent layout.


Public functions

align(size: Int, space: Int, layoutDirection: LayoutDirection)

Calculates the horizontal position of a box of width size relative to the left side of an area of width space.


Public functions


fun align(size: Int, space: Int, layoutDirection: LayoutDirection): Int

Calculates the horizontal position of a box of width size relative to the left side of an area of width space. The returned offset can be negative or larger than space - size meaning that the box will be positioned partially or completely outside the area.