
State of transformable. Allows for a granular control of how different gesture transformations are consumed by the user as well as to write custom transformation methods using transform suspend function.


Public functions

suspend Unit
transform(transformPriority: MutatePriority, block: suspend TransformScope.() -> Unit)

Call this function to take control of transformations and gain the ability to send transform events via TransformScope.transformBy.


Public properties


Whether this TransformableState is currently transforming by gesture or programmatically or not.


Extension functions

suspend Unit
    offset: Offset,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Offset>

Animate pan by offset Offset in pixels and suspend until its finished

suspend Unit
    degrees: Float,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>

Animate rotate by a ratio of degrees clockwise and suspend until its finished.

suspend Unit
    zoomFactor: Float,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>

Animate zoom by a ratio of zoomFactor over the current size and suspend until its finished.

suspend Unit

Pan without animation by a offset Offset in pixels and suspend until it's set.

suspend Unit

Rotate without animation by a degrees degrees and suspend until it's set.

suspend Unit

Stop and suspend until any ongoing TransformableState.transform with priority terminationPriority or lower is terminated.

suspend Unit

Zoom without animation by a ratio of zoomFactor over the current size and suspend until it's set.


Public functions


suspend fun transform(
    transformPriority: MutatePriority = MutatePriority.Default,
    block: suspend TransformScope.() -> Unit
): Unit

Call this function to take control of transformations and gain the ability to send transform events via TransformScope.transformBy. All actions that change zoom, pan or rotation values must be performed within a transform block (even if they don't call any other methods on this object) in order to guarantee that mutual exclusion is enforced.

If transform is called from elsewhere with the transformPriority higher or equal to ongoing transform, ongoing transform will be canceled.

Public properties


val isTransformInProgressBoolean

Whether this TransformableState is currently transforming by gesture or programmatically or not.

Extension functions

suspend fun TransformableState.animatePanBy(
    offset: Offset,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Offset> = SpringSpec(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow)
): Unit

Animate pan by offset Offset in pixels and suspend until its finished

offset: Offset

offset to pan, in pixels

animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Offset> = SpringSpec(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow)

AnimationSpec to be used for pan animation


suspend fun TransformableState.animateRotateBy(
    degrees: Float,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SpringSpec(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow)
): Unit

Animate rotate by a ratio of degrees clockwise and suspend until its finished.

degrees: Float

ratio over the current size by which to rotate, in degrees

animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SpringSpec(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow)

AnimationSpec to be used for animation

suspend fun TransformableState.animateZoomBy(
    zoomFactor: Float,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SpringSpec(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow)
): Unit

Animate zoom by a ratio of zoomFactor over the current size and suspend until its finished.

zoomFactor: Float

ratio over the current size by which to zoom. For example, if zoomFactor is 3f, zoom will be increased 3 fold from the current value.

animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SpringSpec(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow)

AnimationSpec to be used for animation

suspend fun TransformableState.panBy(offset: Offset): Unit

Pan without animation by a offset Offset in pixels and suspend until it's set.

offset: Offset

offset in pixels by which to pan

suspend fun TransformableState.rotateBy(degrees: Float): Unit

Rotate without animation by a degrees degrees and suspend until it's set.

degrees: Float

degrees by which to rotate


suspend fun TransformableState.stopTransformation(
    terminationPriority: MutatePriority = MutatePriority.Default
): Unit

Stop and suspend until any ongoing TransformableState.transform with priority terminationPriority or lower is terminated.

terminationPriority: MutatePriority = MutatePriority.Default

transformation that runs with this priority or lower will be stopped

suspend fun TransformableState.zoomBy(zoomFactor: Float): Unit

Zoom without animation by a ratio of zoomFactor over the current size and suspend until it's set.

zoomFactor: Float

ratio over the current size by which to zoom