


A callback executed in response to the user action, before the content is updated.

Top-level functions summary

inline Action

Creates an Action that executes a given ActionCallback implementation

<T : ActionCallback> actionRunCallback(
    callbackClass: Class<T>,
    parameters: ActionParameters

Creates an Action that executes a given ActionCallback implementation

inline Action

Creates an Action that launches the specified BroadcastReceiver when triggered.


Creates an Action that launches the BroadcastReceiver specified by the given ComponentName.


Creates an Action that launches a BroadcastReceiver from the given Intent when triggered.


Creates an Action that launches the specified BroadcastReceiver when triggered.

actionSendBroadcast(action: String, componentName: ComponentName?)

Creates an Action that launches the BroadcastReceiver specified by the given action.


Creates an Action that launches an Activity from the given Intent when triggered.

    intent: Intent,
    parameters: ActionParameters,
    activityOptions: Bundle?

Creates an Action that launches an Activity from the given Intent when triggered.

inline Action
<T : Service> actionStartService(isForegroundService: Boolean)

Creates an Action that launches the specified Service when triggered.

    componentName: ComponentName,
    isForegroundService: Boolean

Creates an Action that launches the Service specified by the given ComponentName.

actionStartService(intent: Intent, isForegroundService: Boolean)

Creates an Action that launches a Service from the given Intent when triggered.

<T : Service> actionStartService(
    service: Class<T>,
    isForegroundService: Boolean

Creates an Action that launches the specified Service when triggered.

Top-level properties summary


This key is used to access the current checked value for actions that are triggered by compound button interactions (e.g.

Top-level functions


inline fun <T : ActionCallback> actionRunCallback(
    parameters: ActionParameters = actionParametersOf()
): Action

Creates an Action that executes a given ActionCallback implementation

parameters: ActionParameters = actionParametersOf()

the parameters associated with the action


fun <T : ActionCallback> actionRunCallback(
    callbackClass: Class<T>,
    parameters: ActionParameters = actionParametersOf()
): Action

Creates an Action that executes a given ActionCallback implementation

callbackClass: Class<T>

the class that implements ActionCallback

parameters: ActionParameters = actionParametersOf()

the parameters associated with the action


inline fun <T : BroadcastReceiver> actionSendBroadcast(): Action

Creates an Action that launches the specified BroadcastReceiver when triggered.


fun actionSendBroadcast(componentName: ComponentName): Action

Creates an Action that launches the BroadcastReceiver specified by the given ComponentName.

componentName: ComponentName

component of the BroadcastReceiver to launch


fun actionSendBroadcast(intent: Intent): Action

Creates an Action that launches a BroadcastReceiver from the given Intent when triggered. The intent should specify a component with Intent.setClass or Intent.setComponent.

intent: Intent

the Intent used to launch the BroadcastReceiver


fun <T : BroadcastReceiver> actionSendBroadcast(receiver: Class<T>): Action

Creates an Action that launches the specified BroadcastReceiver when triggered.

receiver: Class<T>

class of the BroadcastReceiver to launch


fun actionSendBroadcast(action: String, componentName: ComponentName? = null): Action

Creates an Action that launches the BroadcastReceiver specified by the given action.

action: String

of the BroadcastReceiver to launch

componentName: ComponentName? = null

optional ComponentName of the target BroadcastReceiver


fun actionStartActivity(
    intent: Intent,
    parameters: ActionParameters = actionParametersOf()
): Action

Creates an Action that launches an Activity from the given Intent when triggered. The intent should specify a component with Intent.setClass or Intent.setComponent.

This action is supported by app widgets only.

The given intent will be wrapped in a This means that if you create multiple actions with this function, they will be conflated unless the underlying intents are distinct from one another, as defined by Intent.filterEquals. For example, if you create two Intents that target the same Activity but only differ by parameters, they will get conflated (the PendingIntent created by the first call to actionStartActivity will be overwritten by the second). A simple way to avoid this is to set a unique data URI on these intents, so that they are distinct as defined by Intent.filterEquals. There is more information in the class documentation for If you do not set one, the library will add a unique URI on the intent you provide here.

intent: Intent

the intent used to launch the activity

parameters: ActionParameters = actionParametersOf()

the parameters associated with the action. Parameter values will be added to the activity intent, keyed by the parameter key name string.


fun actionStartActivity(
    intent: Intent,
    parameters: ActionParameters = actionParametersOf(),
    activityOptions: Bundle? = null
): Action

Creates an Action that launches an Activity from the given Intent when triggered. The intent should specify a component with Intent.setClass or Intent.setComponent.

This action is supported by app widgets only.

The given intent will be wrapped in a This means that if you create multiple actions with this function, they will be conflated unless the underlying intents are distinct from one another, as defined by Intent.filterEquals. For example, if you create two Intents that target the same Activity but only differ by parameters, they will get conflated (the PendingIntent created by the first call to actionStartActivity will be overwritten by the second). A simple way to avoid this is to set a unique data URI on these intents, so that they are distinct as defined by Intent.filterEquals. There is more information in the class documentation for If you do not set one, the library will add a unique URI on the intent you provide here.

intent: Intent

the intent used to launch the activity

parameters: ActionParameters = actionParametersOf()

the parameters associated with the action. Parameter values will be added to the activity intent, keyed by the parameter key name string.

activityOptions: Bundle? = null

Additional options built from an to apply to an activity start.


inline fun <T : Service> actionStartService(isForegroundService: Boolean = false): Action

Creates an Action that launches the specified Service when triggered.

isForegroundService: Boolean = false

set to true when the provided Service runs in foreground. This flag is only used for device versions after android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O that requires foreground service to be launched differently.


fun actionStartService(
    componentName: ComponentName,
    isForegroundService: Boolean = false
): Action

Creates an Action that launches the Service specified by the given ComponentName.

componentName: ComponentName

component of the Service to launch

isForegroundService: Boolean = false

set to true when the provided Service runs in foreground. This flag is only used for device versions after android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O that requires foreground service to be launched differently


fun actionStartService(intent: Intent, isForegroundService: Boolean = false): Action

Creates an Action that launches a Service from the given Intent when triggered. The intent should specify a component with Intent.setClass or Intent.setComponent.

intent: Intent

the intent used to launch the activity

isForegroundService: Boolean = false

set to true when the provided Service runs in foreground. This flag is only used for device versions after android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O that requires foreground service to be launched differently


fun <T : Service> actionStartService(
    service: Class<T>,
    isForegroundService: Boolean = false
): Action

Creates an Action that launches the specified Service when triggered.

service: Class<T>

class of the Service to launch

isForegroundService: Boolean = false

set to true when the provided Service runs in foreground. This flag is only used for device versions after android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O that requires foreground service to be launched differently

Top-level properties


val ToggleableStateKeyActionParameters.Key<Boolean>

This key is used to access the current checked value for actions that are triggered by compound button interactions (e.g. CheckBox, Switch). This key is used to retrieve the value from the ActionParameters passed to the action.

Android Studio 2021.3.1 Closed Issues

Updated Dec 13, 2024

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Updated May 9, 2023