
class FoldingFeature.OcclusionType

Represents how the hinge might occlude content.


Public companion properties


The FoldingFeature occludes all content.


The FoldingFeature does not occlude the content in any way.

Public functions

open String

Public companion properties


val FULLFoldingFeature.OcclusionType

The FoldingFeature occludes all content. One example is a hinge that is considered to be part of the window, so that part of the UI is not visible to the user. Any content shown in the same area as the hinge may not be accessible in any way. Fully occluded areas should always be avoided when placing interactive UI elements and text.


val NONEFoldingFeature.OcclusionType

The FoldingFeature does not occlude the content in any way. One example is a flat continuous fold where content can stretch across the fold. Another example is a hinge that has width or height equal to 0. In this case the content is physically split across both displays, but fully visible.

Public functions


open fun toString(): String