
sealed class SandboxedSdkUiSessionState

Known direct subclasses

There is an open session with the supplied SandboxedUiAdapter and its UI is currently being displayed.


There was an error in the UI session.


There is no currently open UI session and there is no operation in progress to open one.


A UI session is currently attempting to be opened.

Represents the state of a UI session.

A UI session refers to the session opened with a SandboxedUiAdapter to let the host display UI from the UI provider. If the host has requested to open a session with its SandboxedUiAdapter, the state will be Loading until the session has been opened and the content has been displayed. At this point, the state will become Active. If there is no active session and no session is being loaded, the state is Idle.


Nested types

There is an open session with the supplied SandboxedUiAdapter and its UI is currently being displayed.

There was an error in the UI session.

There is no currently open UI session and there is no operation in progress to open one.

A UI session is currently attempting to be opened.