
public interface DebugViewProvider

Provider for views to show diagnostic information during an export, for debugging.

This is not intended for production use-cases.



default static final DebugViewProvider

Debug view provider that doesn't show any debug info.

Public methods

abstract @Nullable SurfaceView
getDebugPreviewSurfaceView(int width, int height)

Returns a new surface view to show a preview of transformer output with the given width/height in pixels, or null if no debug information should be shown.



default static final DebugViewProvider NONE

Debug view provider that doesn't show any debug info.

Public methods


abstract @Nullable SurfaceView getDebugPreviewSurfaceView(int width, int height)

Returns a new surface view to show a preview of transformer output with the given width/height in pixels, or null if no debug information should be shown.

This method may be called on an arbitrary thread.