
public final class WindowAreaControllerCallbackAdapter implements WindowAreaController

An adapter for WindowAreaController to provide callback APIs.


Public constructors

Public methods

final void

Registers a listener that is interested in the current list of WindowAreaInfo available to be interacted with.

final void

Removes a listener of available WindowAreaInfo records.

Inherited methods

From androidx.window.area.WindowAreaController
@NonNull Flow<@NonNull List<@NonNull WindowAreaInfo>>

Flow of the list of current WindowAreaInfos that are currently available to be interacted with.

    @NonNull Binder token,
    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @NonNull Executor executor,
    @NonNull WindowAreaPresentationSessionCallback windowAreaPresentationSessionCallback

Starts a presentation session on the WindowAreaInfo identified by the token and sends updates through the WindowAreaPresentationSessionCallback.

    @NonNull Binder token,
    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @NonNull Executor executor,
    @NonNull WindowAreaSessionCallback windowAreaSessionCallback

Starts a transfer session where the calling Activity is moved to the window area identified by the token.

Public constructors


Added in 1.2.0
public WindowAreaControllerCallbackAdapter(
    @NonNull WindowAreaController controller

Public methods


Added in 1.2.0
public final void addWindowAreaInfoListListener(
    @NonNull Executor executor,
    @NonNull Consumer<@NonNull List<@NonNull WindowAreaInfo>> listener

Registers a listener that is interested in the current list of WindowAreaInfo available to be interacted with.

The listener will receive an initial value on registration, as soon as it becomes available.

@NonNull Executor executor

to handle sending listener updates.

@NonNull Consumer<@NonNull List<@NonNull WindowAreaInfo>> listener

to receive updates to the list of WindowAreaInfo.


Added in 1.2.0
public final void removeWindowAreaInfoListListener(
    @NonNull Consumer<@NonNull List<@NonNull WindowAreaInfo>> listener

Removes a listener of available WindowAreaInfo records. If the listener is not present then this method is a no-op.

@NonNull Consumer<@NonNull List<@NonNull WindowAreaInfo>> listener

to remove from receiving status updates.