
public final class Format

Represents a media format.

When building formats, populate all fields whose values are known and relevant to the type of format being constructed. For information about different types of format, see ExoPlayer's Supported formats page.

Fields commonly relevant to all formats

Fields relevant to container formats

  • containerMimeType
  • If the container only contains a single media track, fields relevant to sample formats can are also be relevant and can be set to describe the sample format of that track.
  • If the container only contains one track of a given type (possibly alongside tracks of other types), then fields relevant to that track type can be set to describe the properties of the track. See the sections below for video, audio and text formats.

Fields relevant to sample formats

Fields relevant to video formats

Fields relevant to audio formats

Fields relevant to text formats

Fields relevant to image formats


Nested types

public final class Format.Builder

Builds Format instances.

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = TYPE_USE)
@IntDef(value = )
public annotation Format.CueReplacementBehavior

The replacement behaviors for consecutive samples in a text track of type APPLICATION_MEDIA3_CUES.


static final int

Subsequent cues should be merged with any previous cues that should still be shown on screen.

static final int

Subsequent cues should replace all previous cues.

static final int

A value for various fields to indicate that the field's value is unknown or not applicable.

static final long
OFFSET_SAMPLE_RELATIVE = 9223372036854775807

A value for subsampleOffsetUs to indicate that subsample timestamps are relative to the timestamps of their parent samples.

Public fields

final int

The Accessibility channel, or NO_VALUE if not known or applicable.

final int

The auxiliary track type.

final int

The average bitrate in bits per second, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.

final int

The bitrate in bits per second.

final int

The number of audio channels, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.

final @Nullable String

Codecs of the format as described in RFC 6381, or null if unknown or not applicable.

final @Nullable ColorInfo

The color metadata associated with the video, or null if not applicable.

final @Nullable String

The MIME type of the container, or null if unknown or not applicable.

final int

The type of crypto that must be used to decode samples associated with this format, or CRYPTO_TYPE_NONE if the content is not encrypted.

final int

The replacement behavior that should be followed when handling consecutive samples in a text track of type APPLICATION_MEDIA3_CUES.

final @Nullable Object

An extra opaque object that can be added to the Format to provide additional information that can be passed through the player.

final @Nullable DrmInitData

DRM initialization data if the stream is protected, or null otherwise.

final int

The number of frames to trim from the start of the decoded audio stream, or 0 if not applicable.

final int

The number of frames to trim from the end of the decoded audio stream, or 0 if not applicable.

final float

The frame rate in frames per second, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.

final boolean

Indicates whether the stream contains preroll samples.

final int

The height of the video in pixels, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.

final @Nullable String

An identifier for the format, or null if unknown or not applicable.

final List<byte[]>

Initialization data that must be provided to the decoder.

final @Nullable String

The default human readable label, or null if unknown or not applicable.

final List<Label>

The human readable list of labels, or an empty list if unknown or not applicable.

final @Nullable String

The language as an IETF BCP 47 conformant tag, or null if unknown or not applicable.

final int

The maximum size of a buffer of data (typically one sample), or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.

final int

The maximum number of samples that must be stored to correctly re-order samples from decode order to presentation order.

final int

The maximum number of temporal scalable sub-layers in the video bitstream, or NO_VALUE if not applicable.

final @Nullable Metadata

Metadata, or null if unknown or not applicable.

final int

The C.PcmEncoding for PCM audio.

final int

The peak bitrate in bits per second, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.

final float

The width to height ratio of pixels in the video, or 1.0 if unknown or not applicable.

final @Nullable byte[]

The projection data for 360/VR video, or null if not applicable.

final int

Track role flags.

final int

The clockwise rotation that should be applied to the video for it to be rendered in the correct orientation, or 0 if unknown or not applicable.

final @Nullable String

The sample MIME type, or null if unknown or not applicable.

final int

The audio sampling rate in Hz, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.

final int

Track selection flags.

final int

The stereo layout for 360/3D/VR video, or NO_VALUE if not applicable.

final long

For samples that contain subsamples, this is an offset that should be added to subsample timestamps.

final int

The number of horizontal tiles in an image, or NO_VALUE if not known or applicable.

final int

The number of vertical tiles in an image, or NO_VALUE if not known or applicable.

final int

The width of the video in pixels, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.

Public methods


Returns a Format.Builder initialized with the values of this instance.


Returns a copy of this format with the specified cryptoType.

static Format

Restores a Format from a Bundle.


Returns the number of pixels if this is a video format whose width and height are known, or NO_VALUE otherwise


Returns whether the initializationDatas belonging to this format and other are equal.


Returns a Bundle representing the information stored in this object.

static String

Returns a prettier String than toString, intended for logging.




public static final int CUE_REPLACEMENT_BEHAVIOR_MERGE = 1

Subsequent cues should be merged with any previous cues that should still be shown on screen.

Tracks with this behavior must not contain samples with an unset duration.


public static final int CUE_REPLACEMENT_BEHAVIOR_REPLACE = 2

Subsequent cues should replace all previous cues.

Tracks with this behavior may contain samples with an unset duration (but the duration may also be set to a 'real' value).


public static final int NO_VALUE = -1

A value for various fields to indicate that the field's value is unknown or not applicable.


public static final long OFFSET_SAMPLE_RELATIVE = 9223372036854775807

A value for subsampleOffsetUs to indicate that subsample timestamps are relative to the timestamps of their parent samples.

Public fields


public final int accessibilityChannel

The Accessibility channel, or NO_VALUE if not known or applicable.


public final int auxiliaryTrackType

The auxiliary track type.


public final int averageBitrate

The average bitrate in bits per second, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable. The way in which this field is populated depends on the type of media to which the format corresponds:

  • DASH representations: Always NO_VALUE.
  • HLS variants: The AVERAGE-BANDWIDTH attribute defined on the corresponding EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag in the multivariant playlist, or NO_VALUE if not present.
  • SmoothStreaming track elements: The Bitrate attribute defined on the corresponding TrackElement in the manifest, or NO_VALUE if not present.
  • Progressive container formats: Often NO_VALUE, but may be populated with the average bitrate of the container if known.
  • Sample formats: Often NO_VALUE, but may be populated with the average bitrate of the stream of samples with type sampleMimeType if known. Note that if sampleMimeType is a compressed format (e.g., AUDIO_AAC), then this bitrate is for the stream of still compressed samples.


public final int bitrate

The bitrate in bits per second. This is the peak bitrate if known, or else the average bitrate if known, or else NO_VALUE. Equivalent to: peakBitrate != NO_VALUE ? peakBitrate : averageBitrate.


public final int channelCount

The number of audio channels, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.


public final @Nullable String codecs

Codecs of the format as described in RFC 6381, or null if unknown or not applicable.


public final @Nullable ColorInfo colorInfo

The color metadata associated with the video, or null if not applicable.


public final @Nullable String containerMimeType

The MIME type of the container, or null if unknown or not applicable.


public final int cryptoType

The type of crypto that must be used to decode samples associated with this format, or CRYPTO_TYPE_NONE if the content is not encrypted. Cannot be CRYPTO_TYPE_NONE if drmInitData is non-null, but may be CRYPTO_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED to indicate that the samples are encrypted using an unsupported crypto type.


public final int cueReplacementBehavior

The replacement behavior that should be followed when handling consecutive samples in a text track of type APPLICATION_MEDIA3_CUES.


public final @Nullable Object customData

An extra opaque object that can be added to the Format to provide additional information that can be passed through the player.

This value is not included in serialized Bundle instances of this class that are used to transfer data to other processes.


public final @Nullable DrmInitData drmInitData

DRM initialization data if the stream is protected, or null otherwise.


public final int encoderDelay

The number of frames to trim from the start of the decoded audio stream, or 0 if not applicable.


public final int encoderPadding

The number of frames to trim from the end of the decoded audio stream, or 0 if not applicable.


public final float frameRate

The frame rate in frames per second, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.


public final boolean hasPrerollSamples

Indicates whether the stream contains preroll samples.

When this field is set to true, it means that the stream includes decode-only samples that occur before the intended playback start position. These samples are necessary for decoding but are not meant to be rendered and should be skipped after decoding.


public final int height

The height of the video in pixels, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.


public final @Nullable String id

An identifier for the format, or null if unknown or not applicable.


public final List<byte[]> initializationData

Initialization data that must be provided to the decoder. Will not be null, but may be empty if initialization data is not required.


public final @Nullable String label

The default human readable label, or null if unknown or not applicable.

If non-null, the same label will be part of labels too. If null, labels will be empty.


public final List<Labellabels

The human readable list of labels, or an empty list if unknown or not applicable.

If non-empty, the default label will be part of this list. If empty, the default label will be null.


public final @Nullable String language

The language as an IETF BCP 47 conformant tag, or null if unknown or not applicable.


public final int maxInputSize

The maximum size of a buffer of data (typically one sample), or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.


public final int maxNumReorderSamples

The maximum number of samples that must be stored to correctly re-order samples from decode order to presentation order.


public final int maxSubLayers

The maximum number of temporal scalable sub-layers in the video bitstream, or NO_VALUE if not applicable.


public final @Nullable Metadata metadata

Metadata, or null if unknown or not applicable.


public final int pcmEncoding

The C.PcmEncoding for PCM audio. Set to NO_VALUE for other media types.


public final int peakBitrate

The peak bitrate in bits per second, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable. The way in which this field is populated depends on the type of media to which the format corresponds:

  • DASH representations: The @bandwidth attribute of the corresponding Representation element in the manifest.
  • HLS variants: The BANDWIDTH attribute defined on the corresponding EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag.
  • SmoothStreaming track elements: Always NO_VALUE.
  • Progressive container formats: Often NO_VALUE, but may be populated with the peak bitrate of the container if known.
  • Sample formats: Often NO_VALUE, but may be populated with the peak bitrate of the stream of samples with type sampleMimeType if known. Note that if sampleMimeType is a compressed format (e.g., AUDIO_AAC), then this bitrate is for the stream of still compressed samples.


public final float pixelWidthHeightRatio

The width to height ratio of pixels in the video, or 1.0 if unknown or not applicable.


public final @Nullable byte[] projectionData

The projection data for 360/VR video, or null if not applicable.


public final int roleFlags

Track role flags.


public final int rotationDegrees

The clockwise rotation that should be applied to the video for it to be rendered in the correct orientation, or 0 if unknown or not applicable. Only 0, 90, 180 and 270 are supported.


public final @Nullable String sampleMimeType

The sample MIME type, or null if unknown or not applicable.


public final int sampleRate

The audio sampling rate in Hz, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.


public final int selectionFlags

Track selection flags.


public final int stereoMode

The stereo layout for 360/3D/VR video, or NO_VALUE if not applicable. Valid stereo modes are STEREO_MODE_MONO, STEREO_MODE_TOP_BOTTOM, STEREO_MODE_LEFT_RIGHT, STEREO_MODE_STEREO_MESH.


public final long subsampleOffsetUs

For samples that contain subsamples, this is an offset that should be added to subsample timestamps. A value of OFFSET_SAMPLE_RELATIVE indicates that subsample timestamps are relative to the timestamps of their parent samples.


public final int tileCountHorizontal

The number of horizontal tiles in an image, or NO_VALUE if not known or applicable.


public final int tileCountVertical

The number of vertical tiles in an image, or NO_VALUE if not known or applicable.


public final int width

The width of the video in pixels, or NO_VALUE if unknown or not applicable.

Public methods


public Format.Builder buildUpon()

Returns a Format.Builder initialized with the values of this instance.


public Format copyWithCryptoType(@C.CryptoType int cryptoType)

Returns a copy of this format with the specified cryptoType.


public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj)


public static Format fromBundle(Bundle bundle)

Restores a Format from a Bundle.


public int getPixelCount()

Returns the number of pixels if this is a video format whose width and height are known, or NO_VALUE otherwise


public int hashCode()


public boolean initializationDataEquals(Format other)

Returns whether the initializationDatas belonging to this format and other are equal.

Format other

The other format whose initializationData is being compared.


Whether the initializationDatas belonging to this format and other are equal.


public Bundle toBundle()

Returns a Bundle representing the information stored in this object. If excludeMetadata is true, metadata is excluded.


public static String toLogString(@Nullable Format format)

Returns a prettier String than toString, intended for logging.


public String toString()


public Format withManifestFormatInfo(Format manifestFormat)