
public final class NavDeepLink.Builder

A builder for constructing NavDeepLink instances.


Public methods

final @NonNull NavDeepLink

Build the NavDeepLink specified by this builder.

final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder

Set the action for the NavDeepLink.

final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder

Set the mimeType for the NavDeepLink.

final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder

Set the uri pattern for the NavDeepLink.

final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder
<T extends Object> setUriPattern(
    @NonNull String basePath,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

Set the uri pattern for the NavDeepLink.

final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder
<T extends Object> setUriPattern(
    @NonNull KClass<@NonNull T> route,
    @NonNull String basePath,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

Set the uri pattern for the NavDeepLink.

Public methods


Added in 2.3.0
public final @NonNull NavDeepLink build()

Build the NavDeepLink specified by this builder.

@NonNull NavDeepLink

the newly constructed NavDeepLink.


Added in 2.3.0
public final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder setAction(@NonNull String action)

Set the action for the NavDeepLink.

@NonNull String action

the intent action for the NavDeepLink

@NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder

This builder.


if the action is empty.


Added in 2.3.0
public final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder setMimeType(@NonNull String mimeType)

Set the mimeType for the NavDeepLink.

@NonNull String mimeType

the mimeType for the NavDeepLink

@NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder

This builder.


Added in 2.3.0
public final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder setUriPattern(@NonNull String uriPattern)

Set the uri pattern for the NavDeepLink.

@NonNull String uriPattern

The uri pattern to add to the NavDeepLink

@NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder

This builder.


public final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder <T extends Object> setUriPattern(
    @NonNull String basePath,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

Set the uri pattern for the NavDeepLink.

Arguments extracted from destination T will be automatically appended to the base path provided in basePath.

Arguments are appended based on property name and in the same order as their declaration order in T. They are appended as query parameters if the argument has either:

  1. a default value

  2. a NavType of CollectionNavType

Otherwise, the argument will be appended as path parameters. The final uriPattern is generated by concatenating uriPattern + path parameters + query parameters.

For example, the name property in this class does not meet either conditions and will be appended as a path param.

class MyClass(val name: String)

Given a uriPattern of "", the generated final uriPattern will be{name}.

The name property in this class has a default value and will be appended as a query.

class MyClass(val name: String = "default")

Given a uriPattern of "", the final generated uriPattern will be{name}

The append order is based on their declaration order in T

class MyClass(val name: String = "default", val id: Int, val code: Int)

Given a uriPattern of "", the final generated uriPattern will be{id}/{code}?name={name}. In this example, name is appended first as a query param, then id and code respectively as path params. The final pattern is then concatenated with uriPattern + path + query.

<T extends Object>

The destination's route from KClass

@NonNull String basePath

The base uri path to append arguments onto

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

@NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder

This builder.


Added in 2.9.0-alpha07
public final @NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder <T extends Object> setUriPattern(
    @NonNull KClass<@NonNull T> route,
    @NonNull String basePath,
    @NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

Set the uri pattern for the NavDeepLink.

Arguments extracted from destination T will be automatically appended to the base path provided in basePath.

Arguments are appended based on property name and in the same order as their declaration order in T. They are appended as query parameters if the argument has either:

  1. a default value

  2. a NavType of CollectionNavType

Otherwise, the argument will be appended as path parameters. The final uriPattern is generated by concatenating uriPattern + path parameters + query parameters.

For example, the name property in this class does not meet either conditions and will be appended as a path param.

class MyClass(val name: String)

Given a uriPattern of "", the generated final uriPattern will be{name}.

The name property in this class has a default value and will be appended as a query.

class MyClass(val name: String = "default")

Given a uriPattern of "", the final generated uriPattern will be{name}

The append order is based on their declaration order in T

class MyClass(val name: String = "default", val id: Int, val code: Int)

Given a uriPattern of "", the final generated uriPattern will be{id}/{code}?name={name}. In this example, name is appended first as a query param, then id and code respectively as path params. The final pattern is then concatenated with uriPattern + path + query.

@NonNull KClass<@NonNull T> route

The destination's route from KClass

@NonNull String basePath

The base uri path to append arguments onto

@NonNull Map<@NonNull KType, @NonNull NavType<@NonNull ?>> typeMap

map of destination arguments' kotlin type KType to its respective custom NavType. May be empty if T does not use custom NavTypes.

@NonNull NavDeepLink.Builder

This builder.